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I made the mistake of adding 2 male guppies in with my 3 Glofish. The Glofish are so hyper that they got to picking on the guppies and eventually eat their tails...killing them. If you have a number of guppies and glofish, I would suggest a larher number of guppies to glofish. (Also female Glofish tend to be a little more aggressive, but get along great with my Dalmation Mollies.

Hope this helps!

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15y ago
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12y ago

A large enough Pleco can eat guppies and other smaller fish. While they are known for algae consumption as they grow they do also ingest meaty foods. There are smaller type of Plecos that would be suited for a guppy tank.

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15y ago

I doubt it. Guppies are usually bought to just be household pets while most of the time, in the wild, minnows become dinner for other fish.

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13y ago

Yes, mine even school together!

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Do glofish give live birth?

Glofish are a variation of the Zebrafish. Zebrafish do not give live birth, so neither do glofish. But on the otherhand, if you want fish that give live birth: Guppies, Mollies, Platies, and Swordtails give live birth. (These are all Freshwater)

Do glofish swim in scholls?

Yes, they should be kept in groups of 4 or more. I have 2 and they school with my guppies a lot.

Can you breed your glofish?

You will want to remove the Goldfish. Goldfish can only live with Koi, also guppies and Glofish are tropical fish and need water temps. between 72-82 degrees. The Petco Compatibility Chart is also helpful.

Can a betta fish and a Glofish live together?

yes and no. glowfish are tropical and require a heater. golfdish are "coldwater" fish and do better in lower temps and do not need a heater. goldfish usually do well at around 66 to 68 i believe. and glowfish need at least 75 i guess you could put them together. also, remember that for fancy goldfish you need at least 10 gallons for one with no other fish. so hopefully you have a nice big tank what size tank do you have?

Can glofish get along with turtles?

Absolutely! I Mean, theres always a risk that your turtle may eat the fish... But the GLofish are no different then any other fish!

Will your guppy eat your glofish?

most of the time, no. i have a guppy in a tank of glofish,mollies,and a catfish and they get along just fine.they haven't attacked eachother. YET. :]

Can snails go in a glofish tank?

i have 4 glofish and 2 apple snails, they seem to be fine. every once in a while the dark redish glofish will pick on the female but other than that they get along great :) i hope this helped.

Do guppies get along with seahorses?

Guppies are freshwater fish: Sea horses are saltwater fish

Do white cloud fish and guppies get along?


When were glofish created?

Glofish were created in 2004.

What other fish can glofish live with?

Glofish can live with other peaceful, community fish that are similar in size and water parameter requirements. Some suitable tankmates include tetras, danios, rasboras, and guppies. It's important to avoid aggressive or fin-nipping fish that may harass the glofish.

Can a Pleco go with a Glofish in an aquarium?

I have a pleco and a Glofish together.