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You don't have to, but a small amount of salt for freshwater tanks acts as a soothing 'tonic' for Freshwater Fish. Follow instructions on the package.

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Q: Do you have to put salt in a fresh water tropical fish tank?
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Are tropical fish freshwater fish?

There are both marine (salt water) and fresh water fish in the tropics.

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I think the fish you are asking about is the Siamese Fighting fish AKA (Betta splendens). They are tropical fresh water fish.

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All salt water, fresh water, and tropical fish are cold blooded.

Can tropical fish go in the same tank as marine fish?

No! marine fish are salt water fish and tropicals are fresh water fish, this cannot be changed.

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salt water, in corral bits in a reef or something, its a tropical fish.

Do salt water fish live in tropical tanks?

Saltwater fish require salt water, and fresh water fish need fresh water, you can't mix them, or the fish will die. You need to look at each individual fishes needs as to what temp they need their water to be. There are some saltwater fish that can survive in fresh water, but it is not healthy for them.

Can you add salt water to tropical fish tanks?

Yes, most freshwater fish were not made to live in saltwater and they can die in the ocean. This is caused by a great loss of weight, due to the water in the fish being pulled out by the salt, and eventually death. About 2% of freshwater fish change to a saltwater environment sometime in their life, but this change happens gradually and they would most likely die if put suddenly into a saltwater environment.

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Fresh water

What fish in salt water die if you put it in the fresh water?

Most salt water fish will die if placed in fresh water.

Is water in all fish ponds salty?

Well it depends on the fish. If it is a fresh water fish then it lives in fresh water, salt water fish live in salt water.

Is the anthias fish tropical water?

These spectacular fish (Pseudanthias species) are tropical marine (salt water) fish.

Is a mudcat a salt water and fresh water fish?

Fresh water.