There are aquatic and land hermit crabs. Some land hermies are the Purple Pincher (PP & the most common) and the strawberry hermit crab.
tie land and around tropical islands ,they live in colonies of 100's of strawberry hermit crabs they are very play full and great for pets.
No land Hermit Crabs do not give you warts
because they have love with the boy land hermit crabs
Here is a page with descriptions and pictures of a few different species of land hermit crabs. The most common land hermit crabs: Coenobita cavipes Coenobita clypeatus, Caribbean hermit crab (this is the most common) Coenobita compressus, Ecuadorian hermit crab Coenobita Rugosus Rug land hermit crab Coenobita perlatus, strawberry land hermit crab Coenobita variabilis, Australian land hermit crab Coenobita Brevimanus Indo land hermit crab Here are some marine hermit crabs Other Crabs: Birgus latro, coconut crab Ciliopagurus strigatus, Halloween hermit crab Clibanarius tricolor, Blue legged hermit crab Pagurus bernhardus Pagurus pollicaris, flat-clawed hermit crab
Well it depends there are different types of crabs,I own 4 land hermit crabs.
They are Arthropods.Edited: Land hermit crabs are from the arthropod phylum.
Not in captivity..
no no
by ocean
A hermit crab would seldom find a strawberry, since crabs live in the ocean and strawberries grow on the land, however, I am sure that they would eat them if the opportunity arose; they are quite omnivorous.