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i love sting rays and know lots about them and yes they to have a skeleton

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Q: Do stingrays have a skeleton or just cartilage?
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Are stingrays vertabrates?

No,stingrays are NOT vertebrates.They have cartilage,not bones.

What kind of skeleton does a lamprey have?

Yes, it made out of cartilage just like sharks.

What are stingrays made out of?

stingrays are made of cartilage like from our ear arent they?

How do skeletal muscles attached to the skeleton?

Well, Skeletal Muscles attach to the skeleton by cartilage. Just imagine Cartilage as the glue to an art project.

Can The skeleton can still grow as long as there is cartilage left in the?

cartilage just prevents bones from rubbing into each other

Animals with no skeleton?

They are know as invertebrates; Sharks whose bodies are supported by cartilage, Stingrays, same deal, Slugs I don't know how their bodies are supported, and many other animals

Are stingrays vertebrate animals?

they are invertebrates. they have cartilage not bone.

What class are stingrays found in?

Stingrays are found in the class Chondrichthyes, which consists of cartilaginous fish. They are closely related to sharks and skates, sharing similar characteristics such as having a skeleton made of cartilage instead of bone.

Do stingrays have back bones?

No they do not they are invertibrets.Well, sort of. Rays are the same family as sharks, and they're all known as cartilageous fish. Means they have a skeleton, and vertebras, but the're made of cartilage rather than bone.

What is a shark's skeleton called?

A shark's skeleton is made up of cartilage.

Do stingrays have live births?

Stingrays are related to sharks and have cartilage throughout their bodies. When a stingray gives birth, they birth live young.

What makes skeleton move?
