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No and i know this because i love stingrays and swim with them all the time and that's true

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13y ago
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12y ago

stingrays get eaten by lots of things, with the main things being armadillos and cows. the scientific name for predatory nature is..................................................

pradatory nature. %#$@ those mother#$@&*$% stingrays

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13y ago

Yes, but it depends on what size of squid, and how small the shark. I myself have heard octopuses eating sharks, but squid is new to me. They most likely favor small sharks, like dogfish, or relatives of sharks, like small rays.

In February of 2007, fishermen from New Zealand successfully captured a 33 foot long Colossal Squid from off the coast of Antarctica. It is the largest cephalopod ever scientifically documented.

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14y ago

Yes stingrays eat plankton, molluscs, crustaceans and small fish

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11y ago

Yes, squid is one of the best and favorite foods of all saltwater stingray.

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14y ago

Yes, sharks eat squid. It is part of their main diet which also includes fish and crustaceans. Also it depends on where the shark is located as to whether it can access squid.

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13y ago

yes. the hammerhead eats stingrays

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What kind of fish do stingrays eat?

Stingrays eat fish, sea worms, shrimp. and clams. They may eat soft shelled animals also. They eat plankton in the water also.

How does a hammerhead eat?

They often eat stingrays, small fish and crustaceans.

How much stingrays eat?

Stingrays are not very active and tend to graze on many different smaller animals throughout the day. Stingrays will eat about 3 pounds of fish, shrimp, smaller fish and scallops per day.

Do stingrays eat animals?

Yes. They eat mollusks, crustaceans and sometimes fish.

Why do whales eat stingrays?

Whales include stingrays in their diet as a source of protein. Whales are known to eat fish, turtles, birds, and plants.

Do blue spotted stingrays eat fish?

yes, some times depending on the size of the fish.

Why do stingrays spend a lot of time partially buried in the sand?

Stingrays use the sand as camouflage waiting for a fish to swim by and then they eat it

Do hammerheads eat clown fish?

Yes, hammerheads do eat clown fish as well as other fish, squids, and octopus. Their favorite meals however are stingrays.

What do baby stingrays eat?

They will eat worms, small fish, clams, crabs, mollusks and shrimp.

What kind of fish stingray eat?

Stingrays eat fish, sea worms, shrimp. and clams. They may eat soft shelled animals also. They eat plankton in the water also.

Do crabs eat stingrays?

Crabs are scavengers; they will eat stingrays if the stingrays are already dead.

How does a star fish use its stomach to eat?

star fish do not use its stomach to eat.