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They can live in both freshwater and salt water but only certain kinds. They only live in waterways with access to the ocean.

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Q: Do sharks live in salt water freshwater or brackish water?
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Can sharks live in brackish water?

YES! Bull sharks mainly stay in brackish waters. They have the ability to swim up the river. Bull sharks have been found at the end of the Mississippi river in the Northern Part of America.

What kind of water so sharks live in?

Salt water, Fresh water, and even Brackish. Depends on the shark, brosef.

What type of water do most sharks live in?

Most all sharks live in saltwater except the bull shark which can live in freshwater and saltwater.

What type of water do all sharks live in?

Not all sharks live in one type of water. Most of them live in saltwater but the bull shark can live in both saltwater and freshwater.

Do flounder live in salt and fresh water?

Flounders are saltwater fish, some can be kept temporarily in brackish water.

Do oysters only live in salt water?

nope. ive been to a fresh water oyster farm.

Does the Tarpon live in freshwater or saltwater?

It lives in both. It is primarily a saltwater fish but does adapt to live in strictly freshwater (not just brackish)

Can sharks last in unsalted water?

There are some sharks that can live in freshwater environments, but there aren't a lot that can cross over and live in both. The Bull shark is one that has been shown to have the ability to live in both saltwater and freshwater. Interestingly, they have to produce 20 times more urine when living in freshwater. (See the related link for more about Bull Sharks' freshwater tolerance.)

Are ducks freshwater or saltwater?

Ducks are typically found in freshwater habitats such as lakes, rivers, and ponds. They can also adapt to brackish water environments, but they usually prefer freshwater.

Where did megaladon's live?

Brackish they live in brackish Brackish water is a mixture of salt a fresh water like for example the....... Chesapeake bay

Do sharks live only in saltwater?

no there are also freshwater sharks

Does a garr fish live in brackish water?

they can be dripped into brackish water tanks