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No they dont! They attack about 200 people but only kill around 50 but remember thats around the world so it is rare

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Q: Do sharks kill 200 people in the average year?
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How many sharks are dead from humans?

Sharks kill an average of about 4 people each year.

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Very. On average elephants kill 90 people a year and sharks only kill 9.

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no what are u

Are sharks vicious man-hunters?

They are actually very shy and friendly the amount of people that sharks kill each year is 5 and the amount we kill of them each year is about 20-30,000 and they do it by accident :( sharks are very misunderstood :D

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Yes! More people each year are killed by pigs than by sharks.

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On average tornadoes kill about 60 people each year.

Do dogs or sharks and alligators combined kill more people?

Sharks and alligators combined kill fewer people than dogs. Dogs are responsible for more fatal attacks on humans each year compared to the combined number of fatal attacks by sharks and alligators.

How many people injured by sharks?

It is estimated that on average, around 80 to 100 people are injured by sharks worldwide each year. However, it's important to note that the number of shark attacks and injuries can vary widely from year to year.

How the shark affects people?

many people kill shaks for there leathery skin and fins for shark fin soup, a popular food in china for weddings. About one hundred million sharks are killed each year and six people are killedd each year by sharks. People are terrified of sharks, but it should really be the other way around.

Are whales more dangerous than sharks?

no cuz sharks kill more ppl each year

Do sharks perey on people?

Sharks actually hate the taste of people which is why they normally only take one or two bites out of them. However, sharks can still kill a person depending where they bite him. The only reason why sharks attack people is because they mistake people for seals or sea lions. On avrege only 6.5 people die from shark attacks every year.

What creature kills more people each year?

It may surprise you, but dogs kill more people tha sharks! But I know my pooch would never kill someone. Bears are also quite dangerous.