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Anemones, also known as windflowers, are a diverse group, with various species blooming in spring and fall. Anemones display variation in their daily activity patterns, but it is not clear whether all of them sleep.

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Yes, sea snails do in fact hibernate and many other species of snails hibernate as well. Sea snails are found in oceans throughout the world and respire with gills.

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Q: Do sea urchins hibernate
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Do sea urchins live in Connecticut?

No. Sea urchins live in the sea.

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What category do sea urchins fit into?

The classification of a Sea Urchin is Echinoidea

How many purple sea urchins are there?

there are excatly 3million purple sea urchins

How are sea urchins and kelp forests connected?

sea urchins eat kelp.

What phylum do sea urchins belong?

Sea urchins belong to the phylum Echinodermata.

Are sea urchins predators?

No. Sea urchins are primary consumers and only eat sea weed, algae and kelp.

Where can sea urchins be found?

in the sea

Is sea urchins herbivorous?

Yes, sea urchins are herbivores because they mainly feed on algae.

Ho do sea urchins reproduce?

Sea urchins reproduce by releasing eggs and sperm into the water, where external fertilization takes place. Once fertilized, the eggs develop into larvae that eventually settle and grow into adult sea urchins. Some species of sea urchins can also reproduce by asexual means, such as splitting or budding.

Where can you find a sea urchins?

Sea urchins are found generally in the sea, however they can also be found in/on rock pools or areas near to the sea.

Are sea otters secondary or primary consumers?

Sea otters are secondary consumers. This because sea urchins are primary and sea otters eat sea urchins.