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No, but they can smell in the dark! Plecos have an excellent sense of smell and touch. They are predominantly found in the Amazon, of which some parts are dark and gloomy even when it's a bright sunny day above the water!

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No they try to avoid bright lights and for the most part are nocturnal. They come out in the evening for the most part and stay up til very late at night night.

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What is the scientific name of the fish plecostomus?

A Plecostomus is a Tropical Fish from South America. They are often called "Sucker Fish" because they are seen sucking on the glass. They feed mainly on algae and/or algae wafers when they are kept as pets.

Is a plecostomus a fish?


Do fish eat alage?

Do fish eat algae? Yes, some species, like plecostomus, do eat algae.

Does the plecostomus have gills?

Yes they need them to breath underwater like any other fish.

Do you have to have a plecostomus in your fish tank?

no but they are popular for their appetite for algae. if you do get a plecostomus be warned that they grow to about 2 feet long

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Plecostomus are fun fish in an aquarium, they eat algae and grow over a foot long.

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plecostomus (Pleco) Fish. Hope this helps! =)

Can plecostumus fish be harmful to your koi fish and sturgeons?

Koi are a cold water fish as are Sturgeon. Plecostomus are a tropical fish so they should not be kept together in the first place. Plecostomus are a large but peacefull algae eating fish and they are no real threat to any other fish.

Can a picasimus fish live by itself?

A Plecostomus can live by itself.

Why would a young plecostomus fish just die?

Your probably not taking care of them right that's why and they don't just die like that.

Is a plecostomus an invertebrate?

No, they are not invertebrates. While shaped differently, they are still simply fish which are all vertebrates, since they have spines (just like you and me!)