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They are born not in an egg, they are born as kangaroos just like humans are born as humans and not in an egg

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12y ago
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14y ago

Kangaroos, like all marsupials, give birth to live young. The only mammals which lay eggs are the monotremes, which are the platypus and the echidna.

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11y ago

Yes. All kangaroos are marsupials, including tree kangaroos, and all marsupials are born alive. Only the monotremes - the platypus and the echidna - are egg-laying mammals.

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8y ago

Koalas are mammals so therefore they are born alive.

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14y ago

Yes. Kangaroos are born live, rather than hatched from eggs. They are marsupials, and all marsupials are born alive.

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10y ago

Yes. Koalas are born live. They are marsupials and, like all marsupials, are born live, but very undeveloped.

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9y ago

They are born alive

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Q: Do kangaroos have eggs or live birth?
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Do kangaroos come from eggs?

No. As they are marsupials, kangaroos give birth to live young.

Do kangaroos babies come out in eggs?

Kangaroos are mammals, and marsupials, which means they are not born from eggs. The young emerge from the birth canal and crawl up to the pouch where they continue their development. The only mammals hatched from eggs are monotremes, which include just platypuses and echidnas.

Do kangaroos they lay eggs or give birth?

Kangaroos are marsupials (mammals with pouches) and give live birth to a fetus. This fetus contiues to grow and develop in the kangaroos front pouch until it reaches a certain age to where it can fend for itself.

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