

Do humans benefit from the seahorse?

Updated: 10/8/2023
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βˆ™ 10y ago

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It can have sex with its self and have babies and can fertilize its own egg.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

how do humans and environment benefit from seahorses

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A seahorse. well partially. a male seahorse gives birth to its young instead of the female. Humans are animals and male humans usualy raise thier young. I hope this is usefull to you. by a 12 year old

Why male seahorse getting pegnant not female seahorse?

Technically, the male seahorse does not get pregnant; he simply carries the eggs in his pouch for about a month. Seahorses do not have sex in the same way that humans do (with penetration). After the female leaves, the male ejects sperm directly into the water and then also collects it into his pouch to fertilize the eggs she left behind. The answer to the question "Why?" is sadly lost in evolution. We can determine that seahorses gain some sort of benefit from evolving with their parenting roles switched, but so little is known about the evolutionary path of the seahorse that getting to the bottom of that question will take a monumental discovery that hasn't happened yet. Sorry.

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As delicate as a seahorse As small as a seahorse As colourful as a seahorse As light as a seahorse As pretty as a seahorse Hope this helps :) xx

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What is the slowest aniaml on earth?

the dwarf seahorse is my guess. slower than sloth