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Great White Sharks (Carcharodon carcharias), being the largest predatory fish, do eat other sharks, including those of their same species. They do not eat humans, though they sometimes confuse us for a seal (their favorite prey) and take an exploratory bite. Humans are not a natural part of any sharks' diet.

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Q: Do graet white shark eat other sharks or humans?
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What predators do sharks have?

Sharks aren't normally prey, but things that will kill a shark are humans and other sharks.

what 3 sharks kill humans?

Many sharks attack humans, but the big three are the bull shark, tiger shark, and great white shark.

Do shark's have more to fear from shark's or do shark's have more to fear from humans?

sharks have more to fear from humans

What is the preditor of a shark?

Humans, larger carnivorous fish, and other sharks are the main predators.

What are the shark foe?

Killer whales, other sharks, and humans which is the number 1 killer.

Who are the enemies of a tiger shark?

The main enemy of tiger sharks are humans. People use them for food dishes such as shark fin soup. Shark's liver is a great source of vitamin A. Tiger sharks are also known to eat other tiger sharks.

Do any other ocean creatures eat shark?

No sharks are at the top of the food chain The only thing that kills sharks are humans

What 3 sharks attack humans the most?

tiger sharks, bull sharks, and great whites

What are the zebra shark enemies?

zebra sharks enemies are humans and large sharks

Do shaerks live in the graet lakes?

its too cold for them, the only shark capable of living in lakes is the bull sharks that lives in the southern part of the world

Why do sharks eat men?

Sharks don't eat humans. In the rare case of a shark attack, it is believed the shark is biting the human in order to 'taste' as they have been unable to ID what the human is with their other senses. Humans that die from shark attacks, die from blood loss or injury.

Is a hammer head shark a carnivore or herbivore ommnivore?

The preditors of hammerhead sharks are other sharks, orca, and humans.