They live in the fresh water of the Amazon and the Orinoco Basin in South America.
There are many different kinds of freshwater eels, and they are from many different parts of the world.
salmon and some kinds of eels
The Sargoso Sea in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.
The environment that eels live in is the water. Some types of eels live in the ocean while other types live in freshwater. Many spend their lives in fresh water but return to the ocean to breed.
Examples of catadromous fish include eels such as American eels and European eels. These fish are born in saltwater, migrate to freshwater to mature and spawn, and then return to the sea to complete their life cycle.
Moray Eels are Marine water fishes So in other words, they are salt water fishes
Salmon and Eels do this.
Because their blood chemistry is designed to be in homeostasis with a saline medium. In fresh water, water will enter the fishes tissues and kill it. However some fish (eels and salmon) have evolved to live in both environments.
Originally made from the water in which the Eels were boiled but now the boiled potato water is used, add fresh parsley, cornflour and seasoning.
Eels are not naturally in Utah's bodies of water but there are eels in pet shops and aquariums.
Because that's the only water we can consume. salt water would definitly kill you because the amount of salt in the water therefour, you can only drink fresh water. Why you would die from drinking alot of salt water is because salt is actually a poison to your body and since it is a poison to our bodies it pretty much just kills the inside.