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There should be no "arch" to any Danios back whether it be male or female. An "arch" in the back is a genetic spinal deformity cause by inbreeding.

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Q: Do female zebra danios have more of an arch to their spines than males?
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Is it safe to put your male betta fish in a 29-gallon warm water freshwater tank with 2 Zebra Danios and 2 Silver tip Danios?

yes as long as there are not any other males or female bettas

How do you tell a female from a male danios glow fish?

Forget about them being "glo fish". That is just SPIN. Glo fish are a genetically altered common fish made to glow artificially. They are in reality Zebra Danios (Brachydanio rerio). The females are slightly larger and plumper in the tummy than the males which are more slim lined.

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Breeding Glofish is a complex process that requires specific conditions and expertise. It involves creating a separate breeding tank with appropriate water parameters and providing the fish with a suitable environment to encourage spawning. Additionally, separating the eggs from the parents and providing proper care for the fry are crucial steps in successfully breeding Glofish.

Can a pink zebra danio fertilize a red zebra danio's eggs?

Yes, they are both danios so they can mate. Make sure you have more females than males when you mate them!

Do albion zebra fish like a bit of salt water?

Do you mean albino zebrafish, as in zebra danios? If so, not at all! They are a freshwater fish.If they are not zebra danios, I can't find them by the name "albion zebra fish," and I haven't heard of them.

Do zebra danios get along with goldfish?

yes unless the zebra danio can fit in its mouth

How long after a zebra danio fish gets pregnant will it give birth?

Zebra danios are not live-bearing fish, so they do not get pregnant. Instead, the female will lay eggs, and the male will fertilize them. The eggs will hatch about 2 days after being fertilized.

Are zebra males?

Yes, but not all zebras, some are female, some are male

Where do zebra danios live?

i think they come from India or near there anyway

Will killifish do well with zebra danios?

No killifish like to nip at fins.

Are zebra danios vicious towards mollys or tetras?

Under normal circumstances zebra danios are not vicious towards anything. However if their diet is lacking in protein they could well do some fin nipping of any other slower moving fish.

Which breeds faster zebra danios or guppies?

id say guppies, they breed like rabbits