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No penis should smell fishy unles its owner is not clean or has some sort of infection. I have an intact penis and none of the women I have been with have ever complained of any disagreable odor. 80% of the men in the world have intact geintalia and no doubt most of them smell just fine, unless they don wash.

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Q: Do circumcised penises still smell fishy?
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haha i still get that:$ iano if its normal or not:O

What if you've been to the doctor and every test came back normal and you still have a lot of discharge that has a fishy smell?

If you are referring to vaginal discharge: This sounds weird, but take whole organic PLAIN yogurt, and use it as a douche. It helps stabilize the pH and encourages beneficial bacteria to flourish. The fishy smell is caused by bad bacteria that somehow over populated due to poor diet, too much sex, etc. Clean thoroughly afterward of course. Acupuncture can help with chronic conditions.

Why does your penis smell like fish before sex?

If a penis smells "fishy", it is normally due to poor hygiene. Remember to wash behind your foreskin by slowly retracting it in warm (but not hot!) water.If after washing it still smells, it would be advisable to speak to your doctor.

Is the head still the most sensitive area for a circumcised man?

Yes, yes it is.

If a man is not circumcised can he still catch an STD?

Circumcision has nothing to do with catching diseases.

Are most Brazilian penises circumcised?

Circumcision is much less common in Australia than it used to be. Today, less than 10% of newborn boys are circumcised. There are also local and regional differences in circumcision rates. Melbourne has the lowest number of circumcised men and boys. most circumcisions are done for religious and cultural reasons. there are still some that do it mistakenly for medical or hygiene reasons but good information is reducing the incidence of this reason. Doctors advise against it as they should.

If you use deoderant will your body still smell bad?

no it will not smell bad it will smell good, but you will still be sweaty deoderant just covers the smell anti-perspirant stops you from sweating