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Q: Do cetaceans only live in salt water environments?
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What are 10 kinds of salt water animals?

Fish Sharks Dolphins Jellyfish Octopus Seabirds Seals Turtles Crabs Seahorses

Animals that live only in the water?

Some animals that live only in water include fish, jellyfish, octopuses, and sea sponges. These animals have specialized adaptations to thrive in aquatic environments and rely on water for their survival.

Is it possible for an organism to live in other environment?

Yes, it is possible for organisms to live in different environments. Organisms have adapted to survive in a wide range of habitats, such as deserts, deep-sea hydrothermal vents, polar regions, and even outer space. Through various adaptations, including changes in behavior, physiology, and morphology, organisms can thrive in diverse environments.

Can whales live by mountains?

Whales can only live in marine environments. It is quite conceivable that they could live near submarine mountains.

Bryophytes can live only where there is a good supply of what?

Bryophytes, like mosses and liverworts, require a good supply of water to live as they depend on moisture for reproduction and to support their nutritional needs. They are commonly found in damp and shaded environments where water availability is sufficient for their survival.

What mammals don't have 4 limbs?

Cetaceans have only vestigial hind limbs.

What species of bearded dragons live in hot environments?

there is only one type of bearded dragons. they only vary in color

How do environments factor affect where people choose to live?

i only know that there are people who choose because they want to live in a safe environment;)

What are hydrophytes?

Hydrophytes are plants that are adapted to grow in aquatic or wet environments. They have special adaptations to live in waterlogged conditions, such as specialized roots for oxygen uptake and buoyant stems to support them in the water. Examples of hydrophytes include water lilies and water hyacinths.

Can piranha live in water?

They are fish. They ONLY live in water.

Why fish will die if you pulled out of the water?

they dont have respiratory systems like we do, they have gills. They can only breath in liquid water environments

What do you call the creatures that live only in water?

Creatures that live only in water are referred to as aquatic.