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Beta fish are solitary fish and generally will attack/annoy any other fish until they are dead. Check with your local pet shop that sell fish to inquire about what, if any, fish can co-exist with Beta. it all depends on how aggressive you betta fish is, i own two male bettas, i placed my first one in the tank with 3 other goldfishes and they get along fine, however when i replaced the 1st betta with the 2nd one, it was the more aggressive one and attacked my other fishes...... my suggestions is to buy a seperator for the betta and have it get use to the other fishes for the first couple of weeks then place them together. just a heads up, doing this can cause a betta to get stressed out, so be on a look out for simptosn of ick hello!

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15y ago
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12y ago

It is not recommended to have a betta in a community tank or being with any other fish at all. Although, the bottom feeders such as corydoras might be ok with betta fish in the same tank as they occupy different levels in the water.

The reason for having betta alone is not only because betta can be territorial and aggressive, but they can also be victims to other fast moving nippy fish.

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12y ago


Betta fish is a tropical fish, and it needs 78F+ which will require you to buy a heater unless you live in a tropical area yourself.

Goldfish is not tropical fish.

So by being in the same tank, it's either betta will feel too cold, or your goldfish will feel too hot. They don't belong in the same environment.

Betta is also territorial and aggressive. They might attack goldfish too because goldfish's long fin might resemble a betta.

They do not belong in the same tank.

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11y ago

No, not without a decent sized tank and proper filtration. A single male betta fish would likely not bother the goldfish. However, goldfish produce waste with much higher ammonia levels than most other fish. This would burn the bettas gills, even though bettas are mainly surface breathers.

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15y ago

If a fish (guppy) is small/young enough to fit in the Bettas' mouth then there is a good chance it will be eaten.

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It depends. If your betta is gentle, they will get along. If not chances are he might wind up killing the goldfish

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12y ago

i don't know why just don't do it. all i know is that one them is going to die unless you get a divider

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no because they are 2 diffrent fish that need diffrent needs

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16y ago

yes but males cannot

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Q: Do betta fish go together with goldfish?
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What kind of Fish do not go with goldfish And betta fish?

Coldwater fish go with Goldfish (temperature under 70F). Tropical fish go with Bettas (temperature over 70F). Just make sure that you don't put any more than one Betta in a tank. So Bettas and tropicals don't go with Goldfish and vice versa.

Can you put a betta fish in the same fish bowl or tank as a goldfish?

No, betta fish are tropical fish; goldfish are coldwater fish, this should be reason enough not to mix the two. The mixing of these fish would be irresponsible and could yield distatorous results. One reason not to mix them would be because betta fish are quite small; most don't even reach 1/3 the size of a goldfish (even when full grown!) it makes them very likely to get bullied by the other fish. Fin nipping can be a major problem and is dangerous for the health of the fish. Do all your fish a favor by not mix betta fish with goldfish.

Will a male betta harm a goldfish?

Male bettas generally go well with other fish, just not another male betta. Although they can be quite aggressive and territorial and you may find it will eat the fins and tail of your goldfish!

Can a Betta fish go in the same tank as a red tailed shark?

No they cannot, also if you put two Betta fish together, they will fight.

What is the best fish pet?

The best pet fish for kids to get is a Betta. You might think oh lets go get a goldfish! But really most of the goldfishes at stores are babies and need A LOT of growing space also a Betta lives longer. Also Betta's are easier to take care of!

What kind of fish are good that can live in the same fish tank?

The best thing to do is ask the shopkeeper in the fish shop and find out first but goldfish go together with no problems if you are lucky because some goldfish can't live together.

Which is best Betta fish or Goldfish?

Well that is debatable, I have found in owning both kinds of fish that betta fish are a much better match for a novice fish hobbyist: they do not require much maintenance to stay healthy, they don't require a lot of space to thrive, they hardly ever get sick, they are inexpensive, and are very,very beautiful fish. However goldfish I find act more like a dog or cat; they are very personable fish: they recognize their owners and beg for food, they come in many, many different varieties and colors(much like dogs) they grow quite large (up to a foot in length) and can bring you much pride when showing them off to friends and family, goldfish can live up to 20+years, there are goldfish clubs you can join and you can even enter your goldfish in shows. What I'm trying to say is that both fish have pros and cons. If you are new to fishkeeping than you'll want to definetly go with the betta fish, if you have a lot of experience in fishkeeping you'd probally be better off with the goldfish. Betta fish are for beginners, goldfish are for the intermediate hobbyists.

Can you put a betta fish in a tank with goldfish?

You should not keep a betta with goldfish as their needs are different. Bettas are a tropical fish and do much better in water temperatures that are 78F to 80F, while that is too warm for a constant temperature in a goldfish tankGoldfish produce large amounts of ammonia and are coldwater fish so I would recommend that you do not place together.

Can my tropical fish survive eating goldfish food?

You CAN'T get a goldfish betta food (trust me, poor goldie! :-( ) So Im guessing its the other way around . Just in case go to petsmart and they can give you gerat food prices that are worth it, good luck with your fish!

What goldfish can you put in a 2 gallon tank-freshwater and not to difficult to keep?

you would have to get a 10 gallon tank for 1 goldfish! you would need a 20 gallon tank for 2 goldfish. Also goldfish don't go well together there just being stored at the store they take the fish out right when they start to be aggressive. sorry bout your 2 gallon tank!!

What type of fish are sutable together?

Well fish such as goldfish go in cold water and fish such as angel fish (tropical) go in warm water. Try not to mix them up as one fish may not live. If you would like to get goldfish don't mix them with fantail fish with 2 split tails as the goldfish will attack. So keep fantails with their own kind. Hope I helped.

Will betta fish go with male betta fish?

keeping multiple bettas in the same tank is not reccomended