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yes they have about 3000 little teeth but they don't use them a lot

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15y ago

Yes, however Whale Sharks and Basking Sharks have very small teeth which are barely used, due to the fact that their main food is small plankton or shrimp.

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Q: Do all sharks have teeth
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Do sharks have lots of teeth?

Great White shark teeth as are those from all sharks are white. Black shark teeth are fossilized ones. The most common color for fossilized shark teeth is a black root with a grayish crown.

Can sharks replace teeth?

Sharks have 5 or more rows of teeth. Humans only have 20 baby teeth and 32 adult teeth. Sharks can re-grow teeth. Humans only get 2 sets (milk teeth and permanent teeth). Sharks have serrated edges on their teeth. Shark teeth are not attached to the jaw. Humans bite and chew with their teeth. Sharks use their teeth to rip their prey apart.

Do all sharks and rays have triangular shaped teeth?

defenately not

How sharp are the hammerhead sharks teeth?

how sharp is the hammerhaed sharks teeth

What are sharks teeth attached to?

Sharks' teeth are attached to their gums, similar to how human teeth are attached. Sharks continuously shed and replace their teeth throughout their lifetime.

How long are tiger sharks teeth?

tiger sharks teeth are about 3inches long

Some reason the shark have so many teeth on the movie finding nemo?

The great white sharks actually have that many teeth and they have three rows of them. This applies to all sharks that they have many rows of teeth or just many teeth.

Can you find sharks teeth in Galveston?

Yes, I find shark teeth all the time on the beaches of Galveston!

Do white sharks have sharper teeth than blue sharks?

yes white sharks have cutting edges and blue sharks have curved teeth

What is the bone structure of a swordfish?

sharks teeth? sharks have the most powerful jaws on the planet:). And a shark bites with it lower jaw first and then it upper. If sharks lose a teeth a grow anouther one. Almost all sharks are "cornivores" or meat eaters. There skin is made of denticlessharks teeth? sharks have the most powerful jaws on the planet:). And a shark bites with it lower jaw first and then it upper. If sharks lose a teeth a grow anouther one. Almost all sharks are "cornivores" or meat eaters. There skin is made of denticles

Do all sharks lose there teeth then grow new ones back?

Yes, sharks continually lose and replace their teeth throughout their lifetimes. They have multiple rows of teeth and can replace lost teeth quickly to maintain their ability to hunt and feed effectively.