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Yes, they do. It's halal (allowed by the Islamic religion)

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Q: Do Muslims eat lobster and is it considered halal?
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Related questions

What is the scientific reason that Muslims eat halal?

Muslims do not eat halal for scientific reasons; they do it because God commanded that they eat this way.

Is red lobster food halal?

Yes, all sea food including lobster is halal (allowed) to be eaten by Muslims. Prophet Mohamed (peace be upon him) had said regarding the sea "it's the one that its water is purifying and its dead is lawful". Also, Quran says in chapter 5 , verse 96 that fish is allowed for Muslims to eat.

Is squiden octopas halal for Muslims?

Fish and all sea food types are allowed (halal) for Muslims to eat.

What is halal the region?

Halal or Lawful means the foods which the Muslims are permitted to eat.

Is gunea pig halal?

halal is when the muslims pray and then kill the animal to eat it.

How do you use Halal Gelatin for Getting Benefits?

The Muslims eat only Halal food.

Can kosher meat be suitable for halal?

Yes, Kosher meat is halal for Muslims to eat

What food should Muslims eat or not eat?

Muslims are not alowed to eat pork, they can eat all the other meats but they have to be halal.

Do Muslims eat lard?

Yes, of halal animals.

What type of food do Azerbaijan eat?

They are Muslims, so they do eat what all other Muslims eat - halal food. And no pork!

Why do Muslims do not do halal with fish?

All fish and sea food types are halal and are allowed for Muslims to eat unless any of them proved to be poisonous.

Is catfish halal?

No, catfish is not forbidden to eat by Muslims. All sea food is allowed for Muslims to eat per Quran teachings.