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Q: Did black molly fish had the ability to change gender?
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How can you tell the gender of a black molly fish I have two and I am not sure if they are mating or not?

To determine the gender of a black molly, take a look at the anal fin. A male's fin has a tubular shape. A females fin is shaped as a fan with a round body shape.

What is the 5th book of molly moon about?

about molly moon earning a new morphing ability

What is the scientific name for a black molly?

The scientific name for a black molly is Poecilia sphenops. It is a species of fish that belongs to the Poeciliidae family.

Why is your female black molly chasing and nipping at your other fish?

mollies are aggressive fish sometimes. i would just separate the fish . or you could try putting the same gender molly into the tank and that should help. if not then i don't know what to tell you other than get rid of it.

How many slaves did mary molly brant have?

Molly brant had three black slaves

Are molly dalmatian fish mean?

no i have black molly if you have guppes thay will go with it and otherr fish

What kind of caterpiller is black and fuzzy?

A hairy molly.

Who was the 1st black female firefighter?

Molly Williams

Can a black molly breed with a bubble eye goldfish?


Can Molly be a Black Girl's name?

yes of course!

Do a black and white molly mate?

yes a black ands white molly does mates and the fries will be in the mixed colour might they may be half white and half black or white spot on blaack colour

Are black and silver molly's of the same family?

all type of molly are from the same family but all fish are family