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Q: Can you put two moray eels in same tank?
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Can you mix sharks and eels live together?

Tiger barbs, many cichlids, some gouramis, sharks, and eels can all be put together in the same tank as long as the is big enough to hold them all.

What can i put in with a snowflake eel?

There are no guarantees--general characteristics may not fit any specific animal--but the snowflake eel (Echidna nebulosa) is one of the best moray eels for a saltwater community or reef tank. Very small fish might be in danger but the greatest risk is to small crustaceans, particularly shrimp.

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YES, you can put a map turtle in the same tank with a slider.

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yes they can be in the same tank

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you can

Can you put two becamous in the same tank?

Yes I have 3 in one tank

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no you can not put a female and male fighting fish in the same tank because they will just kill each other

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put a male and a female in the same tank

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Can you put a Orange Von Rio Flame Tetra and a guppy in the same tank?

1) I would google it! considering this is not a trustworthy site. 2) put them in the same tank...if one dies, then you have your answer :)

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put them in the the same tank and nature will take its course

Can you put a mussel or clam in the same tank as baby turtles?

No, a mussel or clam cannot be put in the same tank as a baby turtle. Baby turtles, as well as adult turtles will eat mussels and clams.