Platys and black skirt tetras can live together. Harlequin rasboras, platys, and guppies are smaller than black skirt tetras and would do well together. However, the black skirts nip at fins, so if you have fancy tail guppies it is not recomended to put them in a smaller tank together.
In all my years of fish keeping, can this really happen?Yes, I have experienced this, DO NOT put black skirt tetras with guppies, because guppies are peaceful fish.
Guppies are great community fish and can live quite happily with most Tetras, Rasboras, Barbs, Anabantids, Dwarf Cichlids, Danios, Corydoras and many other species provided they don't get too big and eat the guppies.
Fish that have long, wavy fins should not be put with guppies, because guppies will nibble their long fins. Also, many bigger fish will eat guppies. Keep a separate tank with guppies and a few "cleaner" fish, which do not harm guppies.
NONE Oscars are really messy and grow up to a foot! They need at least 50 gallons. For a 10 gallon I recommend some guppies and neon tetras.
yes it is but after a while there probably wouldn't be quite as many fish as you put in there yes it is but after a while there probably wouldn't be quite as many fish as you put in there
Odds are a 13 year old boy is past the guppy or betta fish phase, and wants something more tough and interesting to look at. Unless he is willing to put a lot of work into the tank, which teenage boys are generally not, a freshwater tank would be easiest to clean and the cheapest. My recomendation would be to add a small school of tetras, such as black phantom tetras which are cool to look at since they are black with red tips to their fins, and some plecos (otherwise known as plecosthomus) to help clean the algae off the gravel and sides of the tank. Pretty much every pet store should have these or something similar, and they are very resilient (which is good in case he forgets to feed them now and then). I would not recommend mixing different species of tetras, as they may fight since some are more aggressive than others (some are peaceful community fish that fit well in virtually any tank, and some are actually known to school with piranhas and need to be fed live food). Black phantom tetras can be aggressive towards weaker fish such as glowlite tetras (although I've noticed that mine get along fine with the plecos). If you plan on getting a descent sized tank, you could even add a bala shark, although you have to be careful since they can eat smaller fish that can't defend themselves (though the black phantom tetras should be fine).
No Guppies are not moss eaters.
Guppies and platies breed REALLY easy- put them together, soon u got an overstocked aquarium. Apple snails do the same thing, African dwarf frogs do too but need special conditions. Tetras will breed if pH is lowered.
I wouldn't prefer to.