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No. Frogs should be kept in a "VIVARIUM"(part water and part dry sand/rocks etc) not an aquarium. Bettas should be kept in a minimum of 3 gallons of water (a 5 gallon tank is ideal) and they should also have a cycled filter and a heater/thermostat set at 79F.

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Firstly. A Bowl is no place to keep any fish. The use of one could have been excused in the 1800s and the early 1900s because of the lack of education and so much ignorance in what fish need in order to live. In this century of good education and enlightenment there is no excuse for such cruelty. The basic rules for keeping any fish successfully are as follows. 1 inch of fish must have at least 1 gallon of water. (A Betta is a 3 inch fish so it needs at least 3 gallons.) Every tank must have a permanently running 'cycled' filter. Every tank must have at least 50% of its water replaced every week. As far as the frog is concerned. It should have its own container. Frogs poo and piddle in the water and poison it for the fish.

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Q: Can you put a frog and a betta together?
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Is it ok to put a frog an a betta together?

Some people say it's okay but I did it once and the frog killed the betta.

Can you put a betta with a goldfish?

Do not, no matter what put a goldfish and a betta together unless you want the goldfish to die!!!

If you cannot put a male and female betta together how do you get baby bettas?

you can put a male and female betta together but you must watch them closely, if they fight remove one of them right away! remember to remove them after they have mated

What do you get when you put a donkey ans a monkey together?

A frog

What happens when female Betta fish are put together?

if female beta fish are put together they would start to fight like the males.

How much does it take for a betta to accept another fish?

Bettas are dumb as rocks. If you put another betta, any other anabantid like a gourami, or any long-finned fish in with a betta, the betta will fight it because he will think it's another betta. If you put a short-finned fish in with your betta, they'll live together peacefully.

Can a betta eat a tadpole?

a betta COULD if it actually wanted to but if you just put two of them together they're not going to kill each other.

Can a Betta fish go in the same tank as a red tailed shark?

No they cannot, also if you put two Betta fish together, they will fight.

When do you put the female and male Crown Tail Betta fish together to have babies?

You put them together when the female is full of eggs, and when the male builds a bubble nest.

Can you put male betta fish together?


How long before you can put betta fish together?

Male Bettas can not be kept with any other members of the Betta family. They can be kept with other species quite safely but will not tollerate another Betta (male or female) in their vicinity. Female Bettas can be kept together OK.

How do you get betta eggs?

From a female Betta. Then the male Betta fertilizes them when they breed together.