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Yes you can put a Betta and bottom feeders together in the same tank. I have two Chinese algae eaters and one male Betta in a 5gl tank and no one bothers each other. The bottom feeders need plants (preferable LIVE) and rocks or something they can hide under and sleep in themselves. I also have a Betta hammock (fake leave with a suction cup to attache to the side of the tank) that you can get at any pet store. My male Betta loves the hammock! One bottom feeder lives in a live plant and the other bottom feeder lives under a rock.

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Q: Can you put a betta and bottom feders in a tank together?
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What do you do if your betta is on the bopttom of its tank and fins dont look good?

If your betta is at the bottom of its tank, it is either very sick or dead.Sorry if this answer is too late.

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A betta is best as a solitary fish and it would be better to remove it from your main tank and give it a small tank to itself. You can buy very inexpensive betta tank kits for one betta.

How can you tell if your betta isn't happy?

He sits listlessly at the bottom of the tank. His usually long, flowing fanned out fins are clumped together. He shows no interest in food and does not flare at the sight of another betta. He is generally lethargic.

Is it posable for a betta to swim to the bottom of a tank and stay there?

A betta can swim wherever he wants and stay there. Do you mean he can't stay off the bottom? Does he keep sinking? Mine are doing this. It's a symptom of a handful of betta diseases

Why wont your male betta mate with a female betta?

== == you can't put to malebettas in the same tank together because they are Territorial fish and they will fight until one badly injured or dead. But you may be able to buy a divider for your to keep to bettas.

Who do you know when a betta fish ia dead?

The white fins wont be moving and they will be at the bottom of the tank

Can a girl Betta be with a girl Betta?

Yes, females do best together in groups of 3 to 5 in a ten gallon or more tank.

What can you put on the bottom of a Betta fish tank instead of gravel?

my betta bowl has sea glass which is really dull glass so it wont cut itself

Can betta fish go to the bottom of a tank?

Bettas can swim anywhere in a tank but they tend to hang towards the top third most of the time.

Can a Betta fish go in the same tank as a red tailed shark?

No they cannot, also if you put two Betta fish together, they will fight.

How can you tell if your betta is sick?

If your betta has been doing anything lately such as spending long periods of time at the bottom of the tank, if your betta has a sudden gain in weight or loss in wieght, Also if their fins aren't moving (except when they are sleeping), and also if they swim at the top of the tank for about 3 to 4 hours