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No - aquarium salt has a different chemical composition to that of common table salt.

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not really you really need sea salt

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Q: Can you make aquarium salt from regular salt?
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Why not use regular salt for a salt water aquarium?

Regular salt can contain additives and anti-caking agents that are harmful to marine life in a saltwater aquarium. It can also lack essential trace elements and minerals necessary for the health of marine organisms. Specialized marine salt mixtures are designed to closely mimic seawater, providing a more suitable environment for saltwater aquarium inhabitants.

Why can't aquarium salt be used for a puffer fish to make brackish water What is the difference between aquarium salt and marine salt What happens if aquarium salt is used instead of marine salt?

Aquarium salt is manufactured for different reasons than making your aquarium the perfect environment for salt water fishes. You may use it in an emergency, but long term is harmful to your fish. Marine salts contain the necessary salts and minerals that fish need are the best salt to use.

Should you add salt to fresh water tank?

Aquarium salt, not sea salt. Make sure it is freshwater salt, not marine salt or iodized. Salt in fresh water tanks can reduce stress and help in healing. Many types of fish including the live bearers and gold fish greatly benefit from it , helping to promote reproducing.

What is aquarium salt can epsom salt be used?

You can purchase aquarium salt at the pet store, but yes, epsom salt can be used without a problem.

How do you kill the snail in aquarium?

First, take it out of the aquarium. Then pour salt on it. they will melt when in contact with salt.

Can you raise sea urchins in your salt water aquarium?

You can raise a sea urchin in a salt-water aquarium. There are no fresh water sea urchins so you would need a salt-water aquarium to properly care for the urchin.

What kind of salt do you use to make salt water when your sick to gurgle in your throat?

Regular table salt.

How do you make saltwater for aquarium?

You need to purchase a salt mix and add water. Then mix overnight and check the salinity the next day. You want it between 1020 and 1025. Also, make sure the water is the same temp as the aquarium. You may need a little heater in the salt water you are mixing.

How can salt be used effectively as treatment of fish?

Whether or not you should even think of using salt in an aquarium is dependent on the type of fish you keep in it. guppies, for example, do well with the manufacturer recommended dose of aquarium salt. Gold fish, on the other hand, need little or no aquarium salt. while appropriate salt levels will encourage good health, aquarium salt shouldn't necessarily be used to treat fish diseases. it might help, but that depends entirely on the problem. Also, the right type of salt to use depends on your aquarium. a marine aquarium requires special salt and readings on the specific gravity of the water. freshwater and brackish fish are more likely to require simple aquarium salt. Either way, we aren't talking about table salt here. go to the pet store and get something designed to be healthy for your aquatic pets.

Why top off with salt water in a salt water aquarium?

killing germs.

What is aquarium aqua salt?

Underwater sea animals live in salt water

Where are sting rays found?

the aquarium is salt lake