No, it is not safe to keep lucky bamboo in a fish tank as it can release toxins that are harmful to fish.
No, it is generally not safe to keep a betta fish with other fish in the same tank as bettas are known to be aggressive and may attack or harm other fish. It is best to keep bettas in a tank by themselves.
It is generally not safe to keep betta fish with other fish in the same tank, as bettas are known to be aggressive and may attack or even kill other fish. It is recommended to keep bettas in a tank by themselves to ensure their safety and well-being.
it cleans the tank and keep the fish heathy
There are a variety of fish that can keep a tank clean. The type of fish will depend on the type of aquarium setup. In a freshwater tank, different types of plecostomus are most common.
fish tank
Not unless you had another fish in there.
Yes, it is recommended to keep a light on in a fish tank for about 8-12 hours a day to simulate a natural day-night cycle for the fish and plants inside.
fish tank
about 85F