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Salt water kills most plants!

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Q: Can salt water kill sea weeds?
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Why cant salt water be used to water crops?

It is not wise to irrigate crops using seawater. Sea water is very saline and it can kill the plants after a period of prolonged usage.

Why is it a bad idea to irrigate crops with sea water?

The salt which is present in sea water will kill most crops.

Does salt water kill people?

No, Salt water doesn't directly kill people. If you swim in salt water, it cannot kill you. If you drink some salt water you'll be fine. However, if you ONLY drink salt water it can kill you, because your body will use more water than it gains to try to flush the excess salt out of your system.

Why does sea water kill you?

when you drink sea water it won't instantly kill you. however the salt in the water causes your cells to shrivel up (the water in the cell switches place with the salt on the outside). this makes you even more thirsty, so if you keep drinking sea water your body will have too much salt and you'll die

Do hermit crabs need water with no chlorine?

YES! they need distilled water and sea salt water. dont use table salt it will blister hermies gills and kill them. Mix the right measure of sea salt and distilled water.

Is a sea fresh or salt water?

Sea water is salt water.

Why can't you use the sea water for cultivation?

Because without desalination the salt in the water would kill the plants.

What is the differences between sea and water?

the water has no salt and the sea water has salt

Is the Sea salt water?

Yes, the sea does contain salt water.

Is the bering sea salt water or fresh water?

The bering sea is salt water.

How is salt from sea water?

the sea water is stored in sandboxes and as the water is absorbed the salt stays in the box and we get the salt

Is the red sea salt or fresh water?

The red sea is normal salt water sea.