sucker fish can be kept with turtles aslong as the turtles have been kept with sucker fish in its early part of its life
reafs and many more fish live in.
no turtles will eat any fish they can catch
most if not all aquatic turtles will eat fish that are dead, but only some will chase and eat live fish. i have a painted turtle that loves to eat live guppies in the same tank as a map turtle that will only eat dead fish.
Fish, turtles, dragonflies, fish, frogs, salamanders, crayfish
A special cross between fish and turtles, called fitles can live with either turtles or fish. You can buy them in any good persian-sea retailer.
gold fish turtles, koi, and fresh water fish
No, he will get killed by the guppy.
Turtles,fish, and ducks.
Bears,turtles,fish,and wolfs
Both fish and crustaceans breathe via gills. They both live in aquatic environments. Neither give birth to live young. Instead, they lay eggs.
NO! Turtles are reptiles and should be kept in a vivarium never in an aquarium with fish. Reptiles and amphibians will foul the water and the fish will not survive.