I dont thnik there are any sharks that eat the sand tiger shark because of its size and aggression
Sand sharks are not typically eaten by humans due to their cartilaginous structure, which makes their flesh unpalatable. Additionally, sand sharks are often protected due to their declining populations. It is not recommended to eat sand sharks.
Sand tiger sharks can grow to be almost 10 feet long. They like to feed on squid, fish and other sharks as well as on crustaceans.
yes...yes they do.
i have been told that sand sharks eat fish and other sharks They mostly eat small fish but will eat crustaceans and squid as well. I don't know about sharks though.
Any (with a big enough mouth) that can catch it! Excluding, of course, sand sharks.
Sand tiger sharks can grow to be almost 10 feet long. They like to feed on squid, fish and other sharks as well as on crustaceans.
they are called sand sharks specifically because they are camouflaged with sand and hunt on the seafloor and hide by digging slightly in the sand and not moving at all.
Yes, there are Sand sharks (sand tiger sharks) or (ragged tooth sharks). They are mackerel sharks of the family Odontaspididae. They're found worldwide in temperate and tropical waters.
The best bait for sand sharks is squid
A sand castle
are sand tiger sharks omnivores,carnivoes or herbavores what do they eat