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Q: Can all tetras be in a tank together?
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Could you keep fantail fish and tetras together in the same tank?

if its a fantail gup. yea tetras and gups go together

Is it OK to have in my 55 liters tank neon tetras and mollies together?

Provided you are not overstocking they should be OK.

What types of fresh water fish are good together in the same fish tank?

i have 1 female betta 1 platy 4 neon tetras and 2 catfish in my tank and they all get along fine

Can tetras live with minnows?

Yes! a tetras and minnows can live together in a big enough tank/aquarium but you need at least five of each kind because they are schooling fish i believe =)

Can harlequin rasboras and black skirt tetras and platys and guppies live together?

Platys and black skirt tetras can live together. Harlequin rasboras, platys, and guppies are smaller than black skirt tetras and would do well together. However, the black skirts nip at fins, so if you have fancy tail guppies it is not recomended to put them in a smaller tank together.

Can 1 dwarf gourami and 7 cardinal tetras go together in a 16 gallon tank?

Yes, I'm pretty sure that that would be okay. But don't even think about putting the tetras or gouramis in before the tank has cycled.I would put tons of live plant in the tank, too.

How many neon tetras make a good school?

I have about 12 in a 70 litre tank and they seem very happy together

Do neon tetras and catfish live together well?

Yes,Neon tetras and catfish live together well.

When do tetras separate?

Neon Tetras do very well in soft and slightly acidic water. If there are a couple of Neon Tetras left, it may be best to quarantine them in a separate tank.

A fish tank has 9 goldfish 6 tetras 5 snails and 2 platies what is the ratio of tetras to platies?


Can you leave tetras and male bettas in the same tank?


Can you have a fish tank with 18 neon tetras and 2 large goldfish?

It is not recommended to keep neon tetras with large goldfish. Goldfish are coldwater fish while neon tetras are tropical fish, meaning they have different temperature and water quality requirements. Additionally, goldfish can be aggressive and may try to eat the smaller neons. It's best to keep fish with similar needs together to ensure their well-being.