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No, sharks need their dorsal fins to keep them upright and traveling straight.

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Q: Can a shark survive without its' fin?
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Can a shark swim without it's top fin?

no a shark can not swim without it's top fin

What are the disadvantages of eating shark fin's?

Well, if you eat a shark fin, you have to cut off the shark fin first and a shark without fins is pretty much doomed and will drown because it can't get oxygen. And shark fins are expensive.

Can sharks swim without dorsal fins?

Sharks do not and cannot survive with out their dorsal fin. "If a shark has its fin removed and is consequently returned to the ocean, under almost all circumstances the shark will not survive. Unlike salamanders or sea stars that can regrow limbs that have been cut off, sharks do not possess any regenerative properties that would allow them to regrow their fins." "A shark without a dorsal fin is like … well, a dead shark. Sharks whose fins have been lopped off simply don't survive, and yet fishermen relentlessly perform these brutal amputations in order to feed the voracious market for shark-fin soup." Read more:

What is soup fin?

Soup fin is shark fin used in making shark fin soup.

Is shark considered a animal without legs?

Yes, Because a shark has a fin that will propel it forward. :) ~ Jessie

On Poptropica how do you get the shark fin from sharktooth island?

you go to poptropica shark tooth island then you go to the person with the shark fin and then click on him....and then you will have the shark fin.

When was Shark Fin Blues created?

Shark Fin Blues was created in 2005.

Do sharks die after the dorsal fin is cut off?

If they'd only cut the dorsal fin, there's a good chance that the shark would survive. But usually they cut all fins, which leave the shark unable to swim and dooms it to a slow death.

Why do bottle nose dolphin have a shark fin?

They don't have a shark fin. They have a completely different type fo fin all together

On Poptropica how do you get a shark fin from sharktooth island?

when you first leave your blimp go to the first guy you see he should be wearing a shark fin and hat talk to him you will get the shark fin

How many bowls of shark fin soup can you make with a shark fin?

about one fifth of one can

Do shark fin have fin-rays?

yes it dose