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Q: Can a amphioxus swim as well as an aquarium fish?
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What does swims like a fish?

It means to swim really well....just like a fishso if someone asks you to swim like a fish than you should swim really well

What is the best fish for a small aquarium?

A dozen tetras would do well in a small fish tank.Betta Fish would also do great in smaller tanks but should be kept alone without any other fish in the tank(unless the other fish is one of the few that get along with Bettas). Goldfish do not do well in smaller fish tanks because they are very dirty fish that need a lot of filtration and room to swim.

Do all fish swim in water?

well obviously...

What does swim like a fish means?

"Swim like a fish" is a metaphorical expression used to describe someone who is a strong and skilled swimmer. It implies that they move through the water with ease and agility, similar to how a fish swims effortlessly.

How long can a fish live in a non-oxygen aquarium?

Fish require oxygen to survive, so they cannot live for an extended period of time in a non-oxygen aquarium. Without oxygen, fish will quickly become stressed, suffocate, and eventually die. It is essential to ensure proper oxygen levels in an aquarium to support the health and well-being of the fish.

Can you use an aquarium for fish after a lizard has lived in the aquarium?

yeah just clean it well before with some diluted bleach and let it dry out. lizards have bacteria on their skin that can harm the fish

Can Hyena swim?

very well. they can also catch fish.

What type of fish can you keep in a 31X18X24cm aquarium with a filter?

That is not a very large aquarium, so a shoal of neon tetras would work well

How does a fish shape helps it swim trough water?

Well it depends what type of fish.The Whaleshark [which is also the biggest fish in the World] uses its whole body to swim.

How does mollies adapt in water?

well, there fish and, swim and have gills :0

What would cause the stomach of a tropical fish to explode?

If this happened to one of your fish it was probably the fishes swim bladder, not it's stomach that popped. This can be caused by swim bladder disease which is caused by several different bacteria and possibly a virus as well. All of the causes are not well understood. For that reason, this is a very difficult ailment to treat and is also often very contagious. Generally speaking, the best course of action is to remove any fish showing signs of the disease and humanely euthanize the fish. Signs of swim bladder disease include the fish not being able to swim normally, being very fat and it's scales sticking out like a pine cone. To humanely euthanize a fish place it in a little bit of aquarium water in a zip top baggie and place that in the freezer. The fish will go into a stupor like state before dying and not suffer.

What is alkaline in fish aquarium?

Alkalinity is the measure of how well a solution can buffer acids. It is a reference to the pH level of an aquarium. Some possible alkaline items in a fish tank can be rocks, substrate, baking soda, hydroxides.