How do you orbeez?
You can grow orbeez in the tank that the starter kit comes in.
It is very simple, You add cold or room temperature water until the
water has reached the little - on the tank. That - means that you
have just enough water! If you do not own that tank, you can just
put some orbeez in a large cup, bowl, or container. You simply then
add, about 3 tablespoons of cold, or room temperature water, for
every, well, about every 20 or 30 orbeez that you grow at a time.
Orbeez are just hydro bubbles. Hydro bubbles are obviously H20
"jelly filled" balls. Be careful, if you squeeze them too hard
while growing, even after they are fully grown, they may break. It
will take approximately, 3 hours for these hydro bubbles a.k.a.
Orbeez to grow. You are most likely to find these Orbeez at your
local toy store, Target, Walmart, or even some Drug stores sell
Orbeez, just not the retail name. They will be called "Magic Jelly
Balls" or Hydro Bubbles, or something along those lines. Orbeez are
very well priced compare to other toys these days. you can even buy
display trays for them! Hydro Bubbles were originally made for
plants. Hydro Bubbles is the scientific name for Orbeez. You place
enough Orbeez in your vase of flowers.(Fill up most of the vase,
but not all of it!) If you place the right amount of Orbeez in your
vase, you can leave your plant without water for about 3-7 days!
Although, you may want to check on your plant because, the time
that they can go without water may vary. This is simply because,
they are Hydro Bubbles. Hydro Means water. So, they are water
bubbles! Once the Hydro bubbles or Orbeez are done working, they
will shrink up into little balls, they will no longer feel "jelly
like." That means that you have to restart the whole water/growing
cycle explained in the beginning of this statement! Orbeez provide
hours of fun for the children! Have fun!