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Fish are easy to look after as long as you do some research before you buy your fish so they have the right size tank, the sort and temperature of water, the right filter and friendly tank mates.

If you have your fish tank set up correctly your fish will only need feeding once or twice a day and every week or fortnight you may have to change some water or clean the filter or some other small maintenance job.

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16y ago

yes its better to get somthing easier like a goldfish

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15y ago

Cyprinids, Corydorus catfish and rainbowfish.


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Q: Are tropical fish easy to keep?
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How do you keep tropical or decorative fish?

you dont

Can tropical fish live wth brackish fish?

Tropical and brackish are not mutually exclusive. Tropical means warm, and brackish means somewhat salty. Many brackish fish ARE tropical, and many tropical fish are brackish. You can keep tropical brackish fish with other tropical brackish fish, if they have the same temperment and will not harm or eat eachother. You can keep some brackish fish with some freshwater tropicals, and similarly you can keep some brackish fish with some marine tropicals. There are no wide open set of principles for brackish fish compatability beyond those that I have just illustrated.

Are there any Japanese fighting fish that you can keep with other cold water fish?

no. they are tropical fish.

What PH th4e water for tropical fish to survive?

It depends on what type of tropical fish you are intending to keep; it ranges from 6 (freshwater & discus) to 8.5 (for cichlids).

Can keep goldfish and other fish in same tank?

Rule of thumb is to not mix tropical fish and goldfish.

What do Violet Gobi fish eat?

it is a tropical fish and like most tropical fish they all eat tropical fish flakes and to keep it strong and help it grow faster i recommend you get frozen blood worms and a heater also helps and you spelled goby wrong.

How do you raise a clown fish?

You will need to set up a (very costly and complex) Tropical Marine Reef Environment for the fish and include a live sea anemone (for the fishes home). It will have to be fed several times daily. It is not easy to keep Marine fish alive.

What temp shoud you keep your fishtank?

It depend on what kind of fish gold fish like it cooler and tropical fish like it warmer i keep mine at 75 degrees and they love it

Information about the type of fish called guppies?

the guppy is a freshwater tropical aquariam fish perfect for novices. They are extremely easy to keep and breed and only grow about 2-3 inches. The males have a very colorful and there are many sub specics. They are very peaceful fish.

Is 70 degree enough for tropical fish?

The correct temperature for tropical fish is 72 to 80 degrees. I keep mine at a constant 75 degrees with a heater designed for aquariums.

Why does water in the tropical fish tank keep going to soft?

Its probably from the filter you are using, and probably from the natural fish oils.

What breed of fish are good for beginners to keep?

Goldfish are pretty easy to keep.