

Are there sword tail guppies

Updated: 10/8/2023
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12y ago

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no it will not but it would attack if it or it's babies are threatened

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Pearline Blick

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1y ago
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12y ago

well they rnt called swordtails but there is 1s that r like em those of witch r called....

the top sword guppy

the bottom sword guppy

the pin tail guppy

the double sword guppy

and 1 that looks like the double sword guppy but isn't called the lyre tailed guppy

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7y ago

It depends on how agressive your swordtail is.

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What does a sword tail guppy look like?

well the swrd guppies have part of their tail pointy and a bit long like a swordtail fishes sword is there r top swords bottom swords and double sword tailed guppies witch they r magnificent if u got 1 i can tell u that they r qyuite expensive round 5 to 6 to more for 1 of em unless the owner didnt know the value of it

Is fighting when a guppies throws its tail about at other guppies?

It is not fighting. It is competition.

What is the difference between plain guppies and fancy tail guppies?

The only difference is the tail is about 1 cm bigger Males usually aready have fancy tails i find

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Male guppies have a pointier anal fin and a bigger tail than the female and the female is larger than the male.

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Male guppies are uasually what color?

mine has a yellow+black spotty tail but they can be practicly any color

Can a Sword Tail Fish eat a Guppy?

it might not eat it but it can bite it's tail or harm the fish

Where to buy fish guppies in Indiana?

i am from Indiana and yet there r places to get em PETCO PETSMART PET STORES i found some at walmart super center before recently found 1 in the tetra tank swimming about alone it was a top sword tail guppy it got mixed in with their order where i am they quit selling guppies for now at my walmart yet i see em in mixed tanks rarely mainly in the gldfish tank where they shouldn't be lol

Why do male guppies have large colourful tail fin?

Colours on fish are often associated with their attractiveness to members of the opposite sex.

How do you know the gender of your swordtail?

the males have a sword like tail and females dont.

What fish is the brightest?

Neon tetras (HAS TO BE IN A SCHOOL GROUP) or sword tail