Males are typically bigger.
Female goldfish are slightly bigger than males
If you look under the tail where it goes to the bathroom, during breeding time it will swell up. Also, a male's tail is bigger than the female's tail. The female's stomach could also be bigger than the males.
males are bigger
The males are smaller then the females.
Female sharks tend to be larger. Also, males tend to have claspers behind their pelvic fins to help with mating. Female sharks also tend to have scarring, as males will bite them during pre-mating rituals. Also, males tend to be more colorful or have fancy flairs to them. In the shark world, the female chooses the male, and the males have to fight and compete to get the girl. This means, that only the best looking sharks get chosen, and thus only the best looking male sharks have kids. Thus, male sharks tend to be prettier and more colorful, whilst female sharks tend to be duller ('cause males can't really choose all the pretty ones).
Males always have bigger antlers than females.
the male basketball is bigger, a female basketball has a diameter of 28.5 inches a males is about 2 inches bigger
The male has a flat stomach and the female has a stomach that pockes out so she has enough room in here for thee eggs,males have bigger claws and tails than the female,the female will also grow bigger than the males.
Beacuse they carry a lot of eggs.