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Not all seahorses are males. They can't be because the males are the ones who get pregnant

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15y ago
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11y ago

Of course there are! If there weren't, there wouldn't be such thing as seahorses today.
Yes. Males and females reproduce together too, but the male will lay the eggs.

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14y ago

yes, and once the females have eggs its the males job to carry them until they hatch

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14y ago

Female seahorses do not have babies. The male does!

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11y ago

A female seahorse is called a seamare.

A male seahorse is called a seastallion.

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Q: Are there female seahorses
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Are seahorses hermaphrodites?

There are male seahorses and female seahorses.

Do female seahorses lay eggs?

The female seahorses give them to the male seahorse.

How much baby seahorses can a female seahorse have?

the female seahorses dont have the seahorses the men do and the men can have up to 2,000 babies and hold up to 2,000 baby seahorses too.

Do female seahorses give male seahorses trichomoniasis?

Trichomonas vaginalis infects only humans, not seahorses.

Why does seahorses have spikes?

because they are spiky little buggers who get arroused by the spikes on female seahorses.

Do female seahorses carry the young?

The male.

Are the male seahorses are more colorful than the female seahorses?

Not necessarily. Seahorses can change colors depending on their mood, so it all depends on the specimen.

Had a pair of mated seahorses The female died Have another pair of seahorses that are in a QT tank Will the male seahorse be okay with the mated pair when transfered Does he need another female?

Male Seahorses can live with a mated pair Seahorses were once thought to be monogomous but that has been proven false. so the female may mate with both if all live together

Why DO seahorses MATE?

They do it to have babies of course and to not be lonly without a child that they made

What is the parental care for a sea urchins?

in seahorses the female lays the egg and the male looks after it till the female return .

Why don't female seahorses carry the eggs?

Female seahorses don't have a pouch; they just have eggs. The males have a pouch where the female deposits up to 2,000 eggs. Biologists think seahorses developed the pouch as a way to ensure the species survives. For example, if a female had all the eggs and had to bear offspring, all the babies could die if she got eaten. If a male gets eaten, the most offspring lost is up to 2,000 eggs. But there are always other males that can mate with the female who has the eggs to deposit.

Why do male turtles lay eggs?

when the seahorses are mating the female seahorse puts about 1500 eggs into the male seahorses pouch. The male seahorse carries the eggs for 4 to 45 days and then releases the seahorses into the water and leaves them.