

Best Answer

They are known to be the oldest animal ever

( Hi Ben Marmoll)

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Q: Are sharks the oldest animals ever?
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How are sharks science?

sharks are animals so they are science and animals is in science

Who made the first sponges?

The first sponges were natural. They are some of the oldest animals to ever live on earth.

What animals that live in the oldest region on earth?

Lions, Elephants, Ostriches, Antelopes, Leopards, Buffaloes, Monkeys, Giraffes, Birds, Cheetahs, Crocodiles, and Sharks and many more.

Are lemon sharks poisonous?

Sharks are not poisonous animals.

Are dinosaurs really sharks?

Sharks are Sharks and dinosaurs are dinosaurs. But there were animals recognizable as Sharks living when the dinosaurs did.

How do sharks protect themselve from other animals?

Sharks are top predators and thus do not have other animals attacking them.

How do say today you are the oldest you will ever be?

You can say, "Today you are the oldest you have ever been and the youngest you will ever be again."

Why are sharks and other predators are essential to a balanced food chain?

Sharks eat animals and get eaten by other animals.

What is the oldest living creature on earth?

It would be sharks. They outlived dinosaurs!

Where do the majority of sharks live?

Sharks are not territorial animals. By this they change their habitat occasionally. Sharks live in the ocean.

Are there sharks at belmar beach?

there are no sharks at belamr beach what so ever

Do sharks have any predictors?

yes the people that like animals (including sharks) are very generice and love to help animals so they might protest to the people that are killing the sharks