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it looks and has the name of a fish but is really a dog

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Q: A herring's fish kin
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Who is herrings kin?

Herrings are part of the Clupeidae family, which includes various species of fish such as sardines, anchovies, and shad. So, herrings are kin to other fish within this family.

Do herrings have a shell?

No, Herrings are fish, not shellfish.

Why do herrings have a large beak?

Herrings do not have a large beak. Herrings are a type of FISH!!

How do you spell herring the fish?


Are Herrings fish?

No, herring are not scavengers.

Are herrings freshwater or saltwater?

salt water fish

What are cod and herring?

Cod and herrings are species of fish.

Where do herrings lay their eggs?

where do herring lay fish

What are cod and herrings called that starts with the letter f?


What kind of fish do blind dolphines eat?

catfish, herrings

Do herrings swim alone?

Herrings usually swim in schools with other herrings for protection, better foraging opportunities, and reproduction. Swimming in schools helps herrings to confuse predators and improve their chances of survival.

What is a large number of herrings called when swimming together?

a school of fish