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As a prospective tenant, it is very important that you have a clear and complete understanding of the lease agreement. After all, it will set the tone for your entire relationship with your landlord. A well-informed tenant is an empowered tenant.

While you are considering renting a particular house or apartment, your future landlord will most likely give you a lease agreement for your review. Most times, these are generic and they can be quite lengthy. Don’t let yourself be daunted by the size or the confusing language. Do your best to understand all the stipulations and conditions, highlighting areas that seem unclear or that concern you. Being “on the same page” with your landlord before affixing your signature to a legal document is your best defense against future problems or misunderstandings. In some rare cases, your landlord might even allow you to submit your own lease draft. Obviously, this is ideal, since it enables you to make any stipulations you deem important and may give you the upper hand in the negotiations process. .

Once you decide that you like the property and want to rent, you may be in a rush to get the keys and set up housekeeping. Before doing so, spare a few minutes to inspect the property. In the long run, this may save you hundreds or thousands of dollars. Bring a friend or relative with you, preferably someone with an eye for detail. Carefully look over the whole place, writing down any defects. Submit these to your landlord, making sure he or she confirms knowledge of any problems or shortcomings. By so doing, you have protected yourself from being unfairly charged.

There are also other matters to be sure you understand before signing your lease agreement. What are the stipulations about subletting? Although you may love the place and have no intention of leaving, life has a way of changing. Having the ability to find someone to take over your rent costs for the duration of the lease could save you a great deal of money. You also need to understand and feel comfortable with the amount required for a security deposit. To be sure you are being charged appropriately, check with people you know who rent comparable places to see how much they paid for their security deposits. Tenants’ rights groups may also give you helpful feedback in this regard.

Being cognizant of your rights and responsibilities even before you move in can transform your lease agreement from an intimidating tome into an ally that can work in your favor. Although these precautions may seem time-consuming, they will have laid an excellent foundation for you in your relationship with your landlord. If problems arise in the future, you will be aware of your rights and secure in the knowledge that the lease you signed is backing you.

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Q: What You Should Know Before Signing a Lease Agreement?
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It is not required to have a lawyer review a standard lease agreement, but it can be beneficial to ensure you understand the terms and your rights. If you have any concerns or questions about the lease, it is advisable to seek legal advice to protect your interests before signing.

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In order to alter a rental agreement after signing, both parties must agree to the terms of the alteration. Also, the change in agreement should be in writing in most cases in the form of an addendum.

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you should have read through your lease before signing it in the first place, so you should be at least roughly familiar with the section of the lease which details giving notice and moving out. In the worst case scenario, you may be responsible for your rent through the end of the lease whether or not you live in your house; however, you may be able to get out of a lease agreement without paying through the nose, especially if you do it carefully. If you are trying to get out of a lease, you should definitely contact a local tenant's rights organization or a lawyer to help you out, as these professionals are familiar with all of the ways to legally get out of a lease agreement.

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One can find information on what a standard lease agreement means by checking with the contract they are signing. It will outline all the agreements in writing.

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In Missouri, the legal age to enter into a contract, including a lease agreement, is 18. Therefore, a 19 year old is legally able to sign a lease in Missouri. It is important to read and understand the terms of the lease agreement before signing.

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