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Corporate fiduciary duties demand that the "fiduciary," (who is given legal control over funds), establishes a "standard of care" that rejects normal self interest for the benefit of the corporation's finances. The fiduciary must not take advantage of or betray the confidence of the entrusting parties.

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Q: Corporate Fiduciary Duties
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The law

What is a fiduciary receipt?

Typically, a fiduciary prudently takes care of money for another person. So a "fiduciary receipt" is a document that a person acting in capacity of a fiduciary for another person would get in order to allow an audit of the discharge of their duties - part of a fiduciary account.

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They are in breach of their fiduciary duties. They can be sanctioned by the court or forfeit their bond.

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That would be a breach of their fiduciary duties.

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The fiduciary duties created by a contract of agency are principles of loyalty, obedience, disclosure, confidentiality, and care. These duties require the agent to act in the best interests of the principal, follow their instructions, provide all relevant information, keep the principal's information confidential, and act with reasonable care and diligence. Violating these duties can result in legal consequences for the agent.

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The duties of a trustee typically include managing trust assets, making decisions in the best interest of the beneficiaries, keeping accurate records, and distributing assets as outlined in the trust agreement. Trustees have a fiduciary duty to act prudently and ethically in carrying out their responsibilities.

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It could be a breach of fiduciary duties. They may be charged with embezzlement and theft.

Can an executor borrow money from the estate?

Not without breaching their fiduciary duties. It would be irresponsible of the executor to do so. It could land them in trouble.

What is the difference between home owners association and bodies corporate?

Body corporate, according to, is a legal entity identified by a name. The law grants these entities rights and duties which are different from the rights and duties members of the body corporate enjoy as individual persons. The association may also have rights and duties to its membership. So, you could say that all homeowner associations are bodies corporate, but not all bodies corporate are homeowner associations

Duties of an agent to his principal?

An agent owes fiduciary duties of loyalty, good faith, and fair dealing. An agent has to always prioritize the best interests of the principal, and must never act beyond his/her authority.

Is the executor personally responsible for delinquent federal taxes of the estate?

They are not personally responsible. However, they could be held liable for violation of fiduciary duties.