

Would a bank loan or lend money?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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13y ago

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A bank might lend you money if you apply for a loan.

This comes down to grammar calisthenics. In US English the words are interchangeable. "Loan" is most commonly used in the US vernacular.

However if you wish a strict reading of the words: Loan is a noun. Lend is a verb.

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Deposit is the opposite of loan. A loan is a service in which a customer borrows money from a bank. Whereas, a deposit is a service in which a customer places the money he has in a bank. Banks usually lend loans using the money that is deposited in their accounts by customers.

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There are a number of places one can find a guide on how to lend a mortgage loan. One can check out the Bank of America, Money Facts, ING Direct and Chase.

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A bank will loan you money if you have a down payment and show proof that you can pay it back. A banks criteria for a loan became more strict after the collapse of the housing market.

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You need to check out both and see if they are reliable. The realtor is going to be a middleman unless he has the money to lend. He would have to get a loan and then loan that to you. Check the Better Business Bureau and see what the ratings are on both the bank and the realtor.

When do you get interest from the bank?

The bank customers share of profit made on loans by the bank is called the "Interest". It is the money the bank pays the customer for having their money deposited with the bank. As you know, the bank earns an interest income from loan customers for the money they lend them, and since this money they lend is taken from the deposits placed by customers, banks share the profit by paying an interest to the customer who has placed the deposit with them.

What do banks use depositors money?

The bank customers share of profit made on loans by the bank is called the "Interest". It is the money the bank pays the customer for having their money deposited with the bank. As you know, the bank earns an interest income from loan customers for the money they lend them, and since this money they lend is taken from the deposits placed by customers, banks share the profit by paying an interest to the customer who has placed the deposit with them.

Difference in loan syndication and multiple banking?

multiple banking is use of more than one bank while loan syndication is where several banks lend the money for one loan.

What is a loan?

When you have something and you give it to someone else to use for a time, you are 'loaning' it to them. Thus 'a loan' is the term used to describe an amount of money lent to you by a bank. You will be expected to pay this money back together with a little more money (called interest) over a fixed period that you will agree with the bank. When money is given to you with the expectation of repayment with interest on it. A loan is the same thing as "borrowing" or "to have a lend of". You can loan items such as books or cash.