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This is actually a great question with a strange answer. Its actually a catch 22 if you think about it. Most credit analysts agree that having a balance to limit ratio of 30% is the "golden" number as far as improving your score. yours at a 14% ratio and adding a higher balance will most likely improve your score and paying off your balance might marginally decrease your score. However we all know that its not a good idea to get yourself into debt. So to answer your question i'd say No it will not increase your score. Adding a higher balance(30% credit to limit) usually will raise your score however I wouldn't recommend charging a higher balance on your card either. I'm sure this didn't help, but hopefully it educated you a little bit on credit scores.

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Q: With a 728 credit score will paying off 3800 - on a card with 27000 limit 14 percent ratio - actually improve the credit score at all?
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