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NO. IT wILL BE NOTED AS "A" FOR AUTHORIZED USER ON THAT persons credit file. it does does not increase or decrease your credit score. It should boost theirs in you pay the bill on time. JUDE KAGABINES LEXINGTON SC

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Q: Will adding an authorized user with bad credit to your credit card effect your credit rating?
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Will nonpayment by a credit card holder effect credit rating of authorized user on account?

NO. Only the primary and/or joint owners are responsible for paying the owed balance, even if all charges were accrued by an authorized user. They are also the only ones 1) held accountable if the bill is not paid and 2) whos credit rating is affected.

Will opening a new credit card affect your credit rating?

Yes. Any new credit account or loan will effect your rating.

If your spouse co-signs for someone will it affect your credit too?

No, your credit rating is separate from your spouse. If he or she cosigns it will only effect his or her credit rating.

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Cash transactions do not normally have any effect on a consumer's credit rating.

Is credit rating improved if signed on to another's card?

If another person adds you as an authorized user, your credit rating does not change at all. Previously, you could benefit from their positive credit history and gain additional points on your credit score. This is called "piggybacking." However, as part of a string of updates to FICO-based credit scoring models, known as FICO 08, authorized user status no longer contributes to your credit score.

Is it true if you add a person to another persons credit card it can improve the first persons credit rating?

If it does report it will show that you are just an authorized user, most cards don't even report authorized users anymore.

Driving fines from 18 years ago. will they effect my credit report?

No. Even if they were new fines, they would have nothing to do with your credit rating.

If you are not the primary person on the mortgage is you credit rating affected?

As long as you are on the mortgage it will show on your credit report and effect you credit no matter if you are the primary, secondary or co-signer

Does a claim for an accident affect your rating when through a credit card?

No..but it will effect your current and future Insurance rates.

Will it ruin your credit if you have to use a hard money lender?

Hard money lenders will not effect your credit rating in one way or another. They are not a financial institution like the banks so the Government does not back the lending so they can not effect your credit rating. The hard money lenders are for the higher risk catagories of leanders to enable them to secure a loan.

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