

Why public bank is better than private bank?

Updated: 9/16/2023
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12y ago

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Private Sector banks are owned by individuals or a group of individuals who can take policy and business decisions quickly/easily when compared to public sector banks where policy decisions have to be approved by the government of India. Hence private sector bank are able to offer attractive plans and offers to customers and hence are growing at a faster pace than public sector banks.

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Q: Why public bank is better than private bank?
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Why private sector bank is better than public sector bank?

Private sector banks are better than public sector banks in the following aspects:They are more customer friendly and customer oriented. If they don't get customers they go out of business (Unlike public sector banks that would stay in business anyway because they are owned and run by the government)They offer more facilities than public sector banks (Because of the same reason in point a)They offer better interest rates for depositsThey offer a wider variety of products.I am not saying that public sector banks don't do all these things, just that they don't do it as aggressively or effectively as private sector banks because their existence is not dependent on customers whereas for private banks they will be bankrupt if customers refuse to bank with them.

Privately owned comapnies generally offer better stufdent loans than the federal government?

In the USA, all Federally Guaranteed student loans have the same interest rate and same benefits. It does not matter if you get the loans from a private bank or directly from the government. Private student loans differ in interest rate and benefits for each bank. Federal Student loans have lower interest rates and better benefits than private student loans.

Is chase bank online better than us bank online?

Generally speaking, they are about the same. While Bank of America has more trustworthy and better savings than Chase, Chase has a better credit card service.

Is Tesco Personal Finance a better option than bank financing?

It really depends on your situation if Tesco Personal Finance would be a better option than bank financing. I would say to go for the bank financing in my opinion, though.

Do credit unions have better bank rates than banks?

Yes, because they have more individual investers than a bank does and they have more say in what the rates should be unlike a bank's board memebers.

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Why private sector bank is better than public sector bank?

Private sector banks are better than public sector banks in the following aspects:They are more customer friendly and customer oriented. If they don't get customers they go out of business (Unlike public sector banks that would stay in business anyway because they are owned and run by the government)They offer more facilities than public sector banks (Because of the same reason in point a)They offer better interest rates for depositsThey offer a wider variety of products.I am not saying that public sector banks don't do all these things, just that they don't do it as aggressively or effectively as private sector banks because their existence is not dependent on customers whereas for private banks they will be bankrupt if customers refuse to bank with them.

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Difference between public bank and a private bank and foreign bank?

Public bank: More than 50% stake owned by government. Hence controlled (management, operations etc) by govt. Private Bank: More than 50% stake owned by private individuals or institutions within the country and registered in the same country. Private management. Foreign Bank: Banks registered outside the home country and owned by individuals/institutions from another country but with branches present in home country. Has to follow regulations of both countries.

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Privately owned comapnies generally offer better stufdent loans than the federal government?

In the USA, all Federally Guaranteed student loans have the same interest rate and same benefits. It does not matter if you get the loans from a private bank or directly from the government. Private student loans differ in interest rate and benefits for each bank. Federal Student loans have lower interest rates and better benefits than private student loans.