People don't want to save money for two reasons.One is you have money and you see something then buy it. Two is a robber might still your money.
Storehouse of value. (:
A person can do anything they want with inheritance money. Many people buy a home, cars, or save for the future with the money.
Under their mattresses, in their wallets etc.
high interest rate
A river doesn’t save money, people do.
You save money by using material over again.
People don't want to save money for two reasons.One is you have money and you see something then buy it. Two is a robber might still your money.
To save money.
By making them realize the importance of their money
To save up money for transport you can sell things you don't want to other people.
Money that doesnt go to waste
Save money.
You are right about people afraid of losing money. People are trying to have and at the same time save money but it all ends up on the same matter which is pollution. We try to save money but we misuse it.
People like to reward themselves for working by spending the money they earn.
Storehouse of value. (:
storehouse value