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Q: Why is it that an employee benefit is difficult to withdraw?
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What happens to PF account if employee is dismissed?

The account will be discontinued and the employee can withdraw the funds when he wants.

What is the most common type of employee benefit?

Health care is the most common type of employee benefit.

Can an employee take their life insurance policy with them when they leave the company?

It depends on what the employee benefit plan provides. You need to check the employee benefit handbook.

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What is the advantage of pf transfer rather than withdraw?

If we transferred the pf fund, then we get the advantage of continuos period of 10 years of services, so that employee liable to take all the benefit under PF Act

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It will be very difficult for Israeli troops to withdraw from Iraq, since none are there.

What is the benefit of earning a certification with ServSafe?

The benefit of a food handler earning a ServSafe certificate is to demonstrate that they are competent in an environment where food is handled and prepared. This can enhance their desirability as an employee, giving a competitive edge in a difficult job market.

Can you withdraw your money for euro at your bank account?

Yes but, you have to go to the front counter and have the employee exchange it for you.

What portion of total compensation do employee benefit packages run?

Benefit packages usually make up between 30 and 40 percent of an employee's total compensation for employment,

What is fringe benefit tax?

It is the taxation of most, but not all fringe benefits, which are generally no-cash employee benefit.

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tell your boss