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Q: Why is it important to give money time or talents?
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Does the bible say everyone has a talent?

Yes and no. While we all have something we can do another cannot, it may not necessarily be seen as a talent, but that does not mean God made you talentless. There are also acquired talents as in talents you eventually learn over time. Many would say God has given you the ability to pick up talents you didn't previously have, but you have to tap into the ability because God will not force you to find out. (Though He may give subtle signs.)

Why is time so important to Scrooge?

Time is money.

What were some interest's or hobbies of Andrew Carnegie?

his talents were the way that he handled his money which mad him one of the richest men in history 8)

Can you give your money away on farmville on facebook?

Nope, there is not currently an option to give money on Farmville at the time, possibly in the future.

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Where did phrase time talent and treasure come from?

The Parable of the God Samaritan. He gave his time to help the man, he used his talents to tend to the man's wounds and he gave his money (treasure) to pay for the man's lodging

What are the talents skills strengths of cronus?

He can control time

What do people give to political parties?

money time and work

What do people give political parties?

money time and work

Do Sikhs give their time money or both to there charity?

None, they only give banana's to charity ;)

If not with the mother of your child and you have custody half the time and also give her money and its not threw the court's do you have to give her that money.?

Legally, no. But you two ought to get a court order legitimizing this arrangement.

What if my boss does not paying me over time money what should I do?

don't give your work the over time. simple.