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If a wife is an owner of the property then she must sign the mortgage in order for the lender to acquire good title to the property if there is a foreclosure. If the wife isn't an owner the lender may require her to sign in case she has any other rights in the property such as homestead rights.

If a wife is an owner of the property then she must sign the mortgage in order for the lender to acquire good title to the property if there is a foreclosure. If the wife isn't an owner the lender may require her to sign in case she has any other rights in the property such as homestead rights.

If a wife is an owner of the property then she must sign the mortgage in order for the lender to acquire good title to the property if there is a foreclosure. If the wife isn't an owner the lender may require her to sign in case she has any other rights in the property such as homestead rights.

If a wife is an owner of the property then she must sign the mortgage in order for the lender to acquire good title to the property if there is a foreclosure. If the wife isn't an owner the lender may require her to sign in case she has any other rights in the property such as homestead rights.

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If a wife is an owner of the property then she must sign the mortgage in order for the lender to acquire good title to the property if there is a foreclosure. If the wife isn't an owner the lender may require her to sign in case she has any other rights in the property such as homestead rights.

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Should husband and wife both sign note for mortgage?


If you are married and refinance a primary residence in Florida does your wife have to go on the mortgage?

Yes. Your wife will have to sign the Mortgage. She will be on the Deed, the Title and the Mortgage. You however, if you are the only one that is borrowering the funds, will be the only on the Promissary Note.

Is Wife responsible for mortgage if name not on it?

No. No one is responsible for a contract they didn't sign.

Must a husband disclose his income and sign the mortgage if his wife is the one buying the house?

Generally, not if the property will be in the wife's name alone and her income is enough to qualify her as the sole borrower for the loan. Some lenders insist that both spouses sign the mortgage.

When a spouse is borrowing money and the wife must sign the mortgage does her name have to be on the warranty deed?

Of course. She should be fully informed of the consequences of signing the mortgage and not being on the deed. If the wife signs the purchase money mortgage then her name should also be on the deed. She should not sign to be responsible for a debt for property she doesn't own.Of course. She should be fully informed of the consequences of signing the mortgage and not being on the deed. If the wife signs the purchase money mortgage then her name should also be on the deed. She should not sign to be responsible for a debt for property she doesn't own.Of course. She should be fully informed of the consequences of signing the mortgage and not being on the deed. If the wife signs the purchase money mortgage then her name should also be on the deed. She should not sign to be responsible for a debt for property she doesn't own.Of course. She should be fully informed of the consequences of signing the mortgage and not being on the deed. If the wife signs the purchase money mortgage then her name should also be on the deed. She should not sign to be responsible for a debt for property she doesn't own.

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Should husband and wife both sign note for mortgage?


If you are married and refinance a primary residence in Florida does your wife have to go on the mortgage?

Yes. Your wife will have to sign the Mortgage. She will be on the Deed, the Title and the Mortgage. You however, if you are the only one that is borrowering the funds, will be the only on the Promissary Note.

Is Wife responsible for mortgage if name not on it?

No. No one is responsible for a contract they didn't sign.

Must a husband disclose his income and sign the mortgage if his wife is the one buying the house?

Generally, not if the property will be in the wife's name alone and her income is enough to qualify her as the sole borrower for the loan. Some lenders insist that both spouses sign the mortgage.

My wife died and I signed the mortgage but the loan was in my wife's name. Am I responsible for the loan balance?

If you didn't sign the note then you are not responsible for paying the balance. If the loan isn't paid the bank can take possession of the property by foreclosure. That's why the bank required that you sign the mortgage even if you didn't sign the note. See related question link for more discussion of note and mortgage.

When a spouse is borrowing money and the wife must sign the mortgage does her name have to be on the warranty deed?

Of course. She should be fully informed of the consequences of signing the mortgage and not being on the deed. If the wife signs the purchase money mortgage then her name should also be on the deed. She should not sign to be responsible for a debt for property she doesn't own.Of course. She should be fully informed of the consequences of signing the mortgage and not being on the deed. If the wife signs the purchase money mortgage then her name should also be on the deed. She should not sign to be responsible for a debt for property she doesn't own.Of course. She should be fully informed of the consequences of signing the mortgage and not being on the deed. If the wife signs the purchase money mortgage then her name should also be on the deed. She should not sign to be responsible for a debt for property she doesn't own.Of course. She should be fully informed of the consequences of signing the mortgage and not being on the deed. If the wife signs the purchase money mortgage then her name should also be on the deed. She should not sign to be responsible for a debt for property she doesn't own.

Should husband and wife both be on mortgage?

The owners of the property must sign the mortgage. A party who is not an owner should not sign the note and mortgage since they would be taking responsibility for paying for property they do not own.The owners of the property must sign the mortgage. A party who is not an owner should not sign the note and mortgage since they would be taking responsibility for paying for property they do not own.The owners of the property must sign the mortgage. A party who is not an owner should not sign the note and mortgage since they would be taking responsibility for paying for property they do not own.The owners of the property must sign the mortgage. A party who is not an owner should not sign the note and mortgage since they would be taking responsibility for paying for property they do not own.

Do both husband and wife have to sign Mortgage loan papers in the state of Oklahoma?

If both own the property then both must sign the mortgage.If both own the property then both must sign the mortgage.If both own the property then both must sign the mortgage.If both own the property then both must sign the mortgage.

A mortgage is in the husband's name the deed is in the wife's maiden name along with the husband's. If the husband dies is the wife responsible for the mortgage that she did not sign?

She is not responsible for paying the mortgage if she didn't sign it. Furthermore, if the bank tried to foreclose, it could only take possession of the husband's half interest. The wife should contact an attorney who specializes in real estate law.She is not responsible for paying the mortgage if she didn't sign it. Furthermore, if the bank tried to foreclose, it could only take possession of the husband's half interest. The wife should contact an attorney who specializes in real estate law.She is not responsible for paying the mortgage if she didn't sign it. Furthermore, if the bank tried to foreclose, it could only take possession of the husband's half interest. The wife should contact an attorney who specializes in real estate law.She is not responsible for paying the mortgage if she didn't sign it. Furthermore, if the bank tried to foreclose, it could only take possession of the husband's half interest. The wife should contact an attorney who specializes in real estate law.

How do you add a wife to a reverse mortgage?

The only persons on a mortgage are the owners of the property. If your wife owns the property the lender would have required that she sign it. If she doesn't own the property then she isn't a party to the mortgage. You can't "add" her to the reverse mortgage transaction if she doesn't own the property. The purpose of a reverse mortgage is to grant the title to the premises to the bank upon the death of the owner. Therefore only the owner signs.If you are thinking of including a new wife (or wife who was not an owner of the property) under the benefits of a reverse mortgage you already executed, it is too late. You should contact the bank for more information.The only persons on a mortgage are the owners of the property. If your wife owns the property the lender would have required that she sign it. If she doesn't own the property then she isn't a party to the mortgage. You can't "add" her to the reverse mortgage transaction if she doesn't own the property. The purpose of a reverse mortgage is to grant the title to the premises to the bank upon the death of the owner. Therefore only the owner signs.If you are thinking of including a new wife (or wife who was not an owner of the property) under the benefits of a reverse mortgage you already executed, it is too late. You should contact the bank for more information.The only persons on a mortgage are the owners of the property. If your wife owns the property the lender would have required that she sign it. If she doesn't own the property then she isn't a party to the mortgage. You can't "add" her to the reverse mortgage transaction if she doesn't own the property. The purpose of a reverse mortgage is to grant the title to the premises to the bank upon the death of the owner. Therefore only the owner signs.If you are thinking of including a new wife (or wife who was not an owner of the property) under the benefits of a reverse mortgage you already executed, it is too late. You should contact the bank for more information.The only persons on a mortgage are the owners of the property. If your wife owns the property the lender would have required that she sign it. If she doesn't own the property then she isn't a party to the mortgage. You can't "add" her to the reverse mortgage transaction if she doesn't own the property. The purpose of a reverse mortgage is to grant the title to the premises to the bank upon the death of the owner. Therefore only the owner signs.If you are thinking of including a new wife (or wife who was not an owner of the property) under the benefits of a reverse mortgage you already executed, it is too late. You should contact the bank for more information.

Does the spouse have to sign the mortgage in PA-Hubby is the one on the mortgage but bank states wife has interest in property so she must sign. Does that mean she has to be a co-applicant?

Yes. If the husband and wife own the property then the wife must sign the mortgage in order to grant the lender the right to take possession of the property by foreclosure if the loan isn't paid.The note is a separate instrument in a mortgage transaction. The note sets forth the terms of the loan and must be signed by the responsible party. In some cases the lender will allow only one party to sign the note and only that party will be responsible for paying the loan. However, if real property is used as security for the loan both owners must sign the mortgage.Yes. If the husband and wife own the property then the wife must sign the mortgage in order to grant the lender the right to take possession of the property by foreclosure if the loan isn't paid.The note is a separate instrument in a mortgage transaction. The note sets forth the terms of the loan and must be signed by the responsible party. In some cases the lender will allow only one party to sign the note and only that party will be responsible for paying the loan. However, if real property is used as security for the loan both owners must sign the mortgage.Yes. If the husband and wife own the property then the wife must sign the mortgage in order to grant the lender the right to take possession of the property by foreclosure if the loan isn't paid.The note is a separate instrument in a mortgage transaction. The note sets forth the terms of the loan and must be signed by the responsible party. In some cases the lender will allow only one party to sign the note and only that party will be responsible for paying the loan. However, if real property is used as security for the loan both owners must sign the mortgage.Yes. If the husband and wife own the property then the wife must sign the mortgage in order to grant the lender the right to take possession of the property by foreclosure if the loan isn't paid.The note is a separate instrument in a mortgage transaction. The note sets forth the terms of the loan and must be signed by the responsible party. In some cases the lender will allow only one party to sign the note and only that party will be responsible for paying the loan. However, if real property is used as security for the loan both owners must sign the mortgage.

What happens if the wife is on the mortgage and not on the note and the husband dies?

If the wife signed the mortgage and not the note that means that if the mortgage isn't paid the lender can take possession of the property by foreclosure. It will not affect the wife's credit but by signing the mortgage she consented to the lien on the real estate.If the wife signed the mortgage and not the note that means that if the mortgage isn't paid the lender can take possession of the property by foreclosure. It will not affect the wife's credit but by signing the mortgage she consented to the lien on the real estate.If the wife signed the mortgage and not the note that means that if the mortgage isn't paid the lender can take possession of the property by foreclosure. It will not affect the wife's credit but by signing the mortgage she consented to the lien on the real estate.If the wife signed the mortgage and not the note that means that if the mortgage isn't paid the lender can take possession of the property by foreclosure. It will not affect the wife's credit but by signing the mortgage she consented to the lien on the real estate.