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Sometimes a company might not have made any profit during the year but would not like to leave the shareholders hanging.Therefore it might liquidate certain reserves which under statute cannot be used to declare a dividend but can be used to declare a bonus issue.Bonus Issues are also very cheap for the company and do not interfere with the debt-equity structure of the enterprise.

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Q: Why does a company issue bonus shares?
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Can a company issue free shares?

Yes it is possible and is called a bonus issue, the company must still fund the issue of the shares out of distributable reserves. Check for treatment on a bonus issue to ensure you use the correct treatment!

Difference between right shares and bonus shares?

RIGHT SHARESto increases company's capital they issue right shares. exiting shareholder have prior right to buy this shares so it's called 'right shares'. issue of right shares increases company's capital.BONUS SHARESmany company not distribute dividends each year and this profit is added in reserves after some year company's capital is less than company's size so company capitalized it's reserves by issuing bonus shares. bonus shares decres shares price. this shares is given to the exisiting shareholer in propoastion of holding the shares.

Right share issue vs bonus share issue?

Right issue-An offer by company to the existing shareholders to acquire some more shares proportionally to the original shares they are holding, usually at relative cheap price while Bonus share issue is giving an offer to the existing shareholders to acquire more shares in proportional to their existing shareholdings without paying. Shukuru stanslaus

What is the difference between Bonus Shares and Shares split?

in case of bonus shares the value of the share decreases proportionate to the number of bonus shares issued. for eg: if company issues bonus shares in ratio of 1:1 and the price of share is 900 , then after bonus issue, the corresponding value of the share gets Rs. 450.genreally company issue this in place of giving dividends.the market captalisation doesnt get affected. as if shares doubles the prices is halved. whereas in split shares the face value of share decreases. generally the face value of share is 10 Rs. but face value can be high. eg: if face value is 100 Rs. then company can split d share in ratio of 100:10. the person holding 100 shares of rs 100 now will hold 1000 shares of 10 Rs each. now shares can be traded more frequently and this will in turn increase the liquidity of the share

What are bonus shares?

Concept: When a company has accumulated large reserves which cannot be disrtibuted as dividents in cash either due to legal restrictions or accounting principle f prudence, it converts this surplus capital & divides the capital among the existing shareholders according to the share capital held by issuing fully paid bonus shares. NOTEWORTHY POINTS: 1. The share of bonus shares soes not constitute a source of income to the company or the financial position of the company remains the same. 2. Issue of bonus shares is not for sistribution of profits among the shareholders and hence not for income tax purpose. 3. Are not a gift. 4. The issue of bonus share does not improve the well being or financial position of the shareholders even though no cash is paid by them to acwire these shares...

Related questions

Can a company issue free shares?

Yes it is possible and is called a bonus issue, the company must still fund the issue of the shares out of distributable reserves. Check for treatment on a bonus issue to ensure you use the correct treatment!

For the company who had already have IPO mif they want to issue the new shares are they need to make another IPO?

No. A company can issue an IPO only once. They can issue new shares through bonus shares or through rights issues.

Is it true that Issue of bonus shares affects the total capital structure of the company?


Difference between right shares and bonus shares?

RIGHT SHARESto increases company's capital they issue right shares. exiting shareholder have prior right to buy this shares so it's called 'right shares'. issue of right shares increases company's capital.BONUS SHARESmany company not distribute dividends each year and this profit is added in reserves after some year company's capital is less than company's size so company capitalized it's reserves by issuing bonus shares. bonus shares decres shares price. this shares is given to the exisiting shareholer in propoastion of holding the shares.

Right share issue vs bonus share issue?

Right issue-An offer by company to the existing shareholders to acquire some more shares proportionally to the original shares they are holding, usually at relative cheap price while Bonus share issue is giving an offer to the existing shareholders to acquire more shares in proportional to their existing shareholdings without paying. Shukuru stanslaus

What is the effect of a bonus issue on the share capital and share premium account?

Bonus shares increases the share capital while reduces the share premium account because amount of share premium is used to issue bonus shares.

What is bonus in stock market?

A bonus share is nothing but free shares of the company in which you already hold shares that are given to you by the company for being a share holder of the company. Lets say you hold 100 shares of XYZ company and the company declares a 1:1 bonus (that is you get 1 share for every 1 share of that company you hold) So once the bonus is declared, you would be holding 200 shares instead of 100. you had bought only 100 the extra hundred is the bonus.

What is the difference between Bonus Shares and Shares split?

in case of bonus shares the value of the share decreases proportionate to the number of bonus shares issued. for eg: if company issues bonus shares in ratio of 1:1 and the price of share is 900 , then after bonus issue, the corresponding value of the share gets Rs. 450.genreally company issue this in place of giving dividends.the market captalisation doesnt get affected. as if shares doubles the prices is halved. whereas in split shares the face value of share decreases. generally the face value of share is 10 Rs. but face value can be high. eg: if face value is 100 Rs. then company can split d share in ratio of 100:10. the person holding 100 shares of rs 100 now will hold 1000 shares of 10 Rs each. now shares can be traded more frequently and this will in turn increase the liquidity of the share

What are bonus shares?

Concept: When a company has accumulated large reserves which cannot be disrtibuted as dividents in cash either due to legal restrictions or accounting principle f prudence, it converts this surplus capital & divides the capital among the existing shareholders according to the share capital held by issuing fully paid bonus shares. NOTEWORTHY POINTS: 1. The share of bonus shares soes not constitute a source of income to the company or the financial position of the company remains the same. 2. Issue of bonus shares is not for sistribution of profits among the shareholders and hence not for income tax purpose. 3. Are not a gift. 4. The issue of bonus share does not improve the well being or financial position of the shareholders even though no cash is paid by them to acwire these shares...

Why bonus issue is not included in the cash flow statement?

As no cash is received, like when the first time a company goes IPO or issues rights shares.

Is shree premium is asset or liability?

Share premium is a liability to the company. It is used to write off preliminary expenses and is used to issue bonus shares etc.

Would it be better for a company to issue shares rather than take out a loan to buy out a company?

A Company shall not issue the shares more than that of it's Authorised capital. It may issue the new shares to the old shareholders of the selling company. A company can purchase another company when it (Purchasing Company) is running in profits only. Then there is no necessity to take bank loans or to issue additional shares for procurement.